Feasibility Study and Application of Electric Energy Storage Systems Embedded in HVDC and STATCOM systems

Thu, Nov 21, 2024 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM CET
The integration of Energy Storage (ES) Systems, like batteries and supercapacitors, in power systems is accelerating globally due to their ability to enhance the flexibility and efficiency required to integrate intermittent renewable energy sources (RES). With decreasing costs and improved technical features (e.g., energy density, safety), large-scale ES installations (20 to hundreds of MWh) are now common at both distribution and transmission levels.
Traditionally, ES systems use 2-3 Level VSCs, but for higher voltage and power applications, modular topologies such as Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) technology is preferable due to its flexibility and efficiency. MMCs allow storage integration through their valves. ES integration in DC systems like HVDC transmission and DC grids is explored through various approaches, including AC side, DC side, and MMC valve integration.
ES systems in HVDC and STATCOM units can enhance network resilience such as fault ride through response, black-start capability, grid-forming capacity, fast frequency support, and network stability. This brochure provides insights for power system stakeholders on large storage systems, converter topologies, modeling, integration options, ancillary services, benefits, and challenges of ES integration in HVDC/STATCOM systems.
This webinar is presented by Hani SAAD, convener of CIGRE Working Group B4-84, "Feasibility Study and Application of Electric Energy Storage Systems Embedded in HVDC and STATCOM systems”, and published their Technical Brochure (available from www.e-cigre.org), in 2024.
The registration to this webinar is free for all, CIGRE members and non-members.
Technical Brochures, can be freely downloaded by CIGRE members. If you are not a CIGRE member, join us on https://www.cigre.org/GB/join/how-to-join.

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