How to join CIGRE
Join CIGRE and connect with the power system community
CIGRE membership is open to all individuals, companies and organisations. Membership types include individual memberships, company and education institution memberships referred to as collective memberships. Depending on your country and National Committee rules the exact format of Collective memberships can vary. To follow is a summary of the six membership types.
Individual member I
Individuals involved in the Industry.
Individual member II
Individuals involved in the Industry, under 35 (discounted rate).
Individual member – student
Free membership is offered for full time tertiary students.
Collective member Ia > 500 employees
Public or private companies, including power system transmission
and distribution utilities, scientific and technical organisations,
research Institutes and administrative bodies.
Collective member Ib < 500 employees
Public or private companies, including power system transmission
and distribution utilities, scientific and technical organisations,
research Institutes and administrative bodies.
Collective member II
Universities and other educational bodies.
Costs and membership duration
Membership is on a calendar year basis and costs vary by country. Follow the join button above to find your countries pricing or to enquire further. Some NCs offer the first 6 months of membership free if you join part way through a year (after 1 July).
Members enjoy access to many resources and benefits, including:
- Free access to CIGRE publications via eCIGRE
- Collective Ia up to 50 accounts
- Collective Ib up to 10 accounts
- Collective II no limit on number of accounts
- 930+ Technical Brochures
- Free downloads of 12000+ technical publications
- 6 Editions of ELECTRA per year
- After two years save on the Paris Session!
- 60+ In country and regional CIGRE organisations
- Collaborate with experts
For all other enquiries regarding membership please contact us

For more on joining and participation at CIGRE download an info leaflet