The value we deliver
Connecting power system people with the knowledge and solutions they need
There are many benefits in belonging to and participating within the world of CIGRE. Our members tell us that there are nine major benefits that stand out. For individual professionals, collective members and their wider organisations each benefit is enabled and substantiated by the CIGRE organisation, programme and outcomes it delivers. Watch the video for a summary of the nine or read on.
1. Be prepared for the future
CIGRE’s unique structure and approach plugs members in to a future focused industry perspective simply not accessible from within a single organisation.
2. Learn from real world experiences, lessons and successes
As a collaborative, global community of pragmatic professionals, CIGRE members share best practice, technical expertise and solutions, openly and inclusively discussing and debating their real world experiences, lessons and successes.
3. Inform your decisions with diverse perspectives from every corner of the globe
To make optimal power system decisions at home it is essential to take a world view about approaches to the environment, legislation, regulation, technologies and markets. CIGRE’s unique global network of practitioners provides diverse perspectives.
4. Solve local challenges
At the heart of CIGRE are its 61 National Committees (NCs) spanning over 90 countries. NCs are on the ground, local volunteer driven organisations. They implement CIGRE’s global strategic and technical plans to develop solutions to power system challenges. The solutions are shared across CIGRE’s global network, but ultimately applied locally.
5. Source the most authoritative reference information
Like the organisation itself, CIGRE publications stand alone as an authoritative technical source of power system knowledge and real world solutions.
6. Get unbiased facts
CIGRE’s fact-based approach is completely unbiased, vendor neutral and open to inclusive, frank discussion and debate about any issues, trends and challenges facing the power industry.
7. Gain access to world leading experts
The calibre of CIGRE members is very high. Key CIGRE positions are filled by top technical people who have built their expertise over many years of power system experience, often internationally recognised by senior peers as world leaders.
8. Grow your skills
Grow your individual and organisational skills through CIGRE’s unique peer to peer environment and broad training and educational opportunities.
9. Connect with your industry in a technical setting
Grow your individual and organisational network, profile and influence by participating at CIGRE events, on Working Groups and by writing and revising of reports and brochures.

For more on the nine benefits of CIGRE download an info leaflet here