Governing Bodies
CIGRE Steering Committee 2024 - 2026

Michael HEYECK has over 40 years' experience in the electric power industry. He retired in 2013 as Senior Vice President - Transmission for American Electric Power serving 37 years at AEP, and founded The Grid Group, LLC. He serves and has served on numerous industry boards. Heyeck served CIGRE as US National Committee president (2011-2016) and now serves on the CIGRE Steering Committee and CIGRE Administrative Council. He holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Electrical Engineering, and holds a Master's in Business Administration. Heyeck is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Ohio.

Graduate Engineer of the Ecole Centrale de Paris, Philippe ADAM started his career in EDF R&D division in 1980 as a research engineer in the field of HVDC and FACTS. Then he held several management positions in EDF Generation and Transmission. In 2000, he was appointed manager of the financial and management control department of RTE. In 2004 he contributed to the creation of RTE international. From 2011 to 2014 he has been the Strategy Director of Infrastructures and Technologies of the Medgrid industrial initiative.
He have served CIGRE as the Technical Committee Secretary and as the Secretary and Treasurer of the French National Committee. He was appointed Secretary General of CIGRE in March 2014.
Peter McIntyre has over 40 years’ experience in electricity transmission having held senior executive positions responsible for network planning, system operations, customer connections, asset management and regulatory and corporate strategy. He served for six years as Managing Director of the Australian transmission network company Transgrid. He has also held CEO positions with Engineers Australia, the peak engineering body in Australia with over 100,000 members, and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, which is responsible for the training of the majority of specialist doctors in Australia and New Zealand.
Peter has also been a director and Deputy Chair of the Australian Power Institute, a director and Deputy Chair of the Energy Networks Association and the Chair of Grid Australia. Recently, he as also held the position of non-executive director of Tasnetworks, the Tasmanian transmission and distribution network service provider. Currently, Peter is the Chief Executive Officer of CIGRE Australia.
Peter has a passion for the development of the net generation of engineers and is a strong supporter for diversity initiatives in our industry.

João Carlos Mello is CEO of Thymos Energia, a consulting company in São Paulo. and currently the President of CIGRE Brasil. Dr. Mello has M.Sc. and D.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from PUC-RJ. He has been worked in CEPEL – R&D center, developing computational models for power system assessment. Dr. Mello has also been contributed to the revision projects of market design of Brazilian power sector in the mid-1990s and 2000s. He also participated in the implementation of the Wholesale Energy Market in Brazil

Dr. Jianbin FAN has served as Deputy Secretary General of the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering since 2013. He was Deputy Director General of International Corporation Department in State Grid Corporation of China, responsible for strategy planning in international standardization and academic activities, with a focus on smart grid, UHV power transmission, renewable energy, etc. Dr. Fan is also adjunct professor of Southwest Jiaotong University. He worked in ETH Zurich as an Academic Guest from 2008 to 2009.
Dr. Fan has served CIGRE as Regular Member of Study Committee A3 and B3, and Convenor / Secretary of several Working Groups. Currently he is also Member of IEC Market Strategy Board and Secretary of IEC PC127. Dr. Fan received the 2007 IEC&CIGRE Outstanding Contribution Award for the excellent organization of International Symposium on International Standards for Ultra High Voltage.

Michael Jesberger joined ABB GmbH in 1990. After several activities and management tasks there, he was responsible for high-voltage switchgear as Business Unit Manager at ABB Ltd. group holding company in Switzerland from 1999 to 2002.
In 2002, he moved to RWE AG, where he headed the Infrastructure Systems division. From 2004 to 2013, he held various management positions in the area of high-voltage switchgear at Siemens AG before joining TenneT TSO GmbH in 2013 as Head of Asset Management.
Michael Jesberger has been a member of the TransnetBW Executive Board since March 2019.
He is also part of the General Assembly of ENTSO-E, the Board of Trustees of FGE, a member of the Board of Directors of FGH in Mannheim and the Scientific Advisory Board at KIT in Karlsruhe.
Michael Jesberger holds a degree in electrical engineering from the Technical University in Karlsruhe.

He developed his career in Terna TSO, where he progressed from the position of ‘thermal power plant operation’ senior engineer to the director of ‘Dispatching and System Operations’ and, lately, of ‘Grid Planning, Interconnection and Permitting”.
Alongside with his position in Terna, he plays several leading roles in the key organizations of the energy community, among which: ENTSO-E, CIGRE-SEERC, IEA, IEC, CEI (Italian Electrotechnical Committee), AEIT (Italian Association of Electrical, Electronics, Automation, Information and Communication Technology), SEleNe (Southeast Electricity Network Coordination Center) and CORESO (COoRdination of Electricity System Operators) Regional Security Coordinator.
Experience on power system long-term planning and design, network access and administrative permitting procedures, operational planning and dispatching, electricity markets, the systems and processes that support them.
Entered the Advisory Council of CIGRE in 2020, chairman of CIGRE Italian Committee since 2021, elected to the CIGRE Steering Committee in 2022.
Frequent invited speaker at conferences globally on secure energy transition in the power sector. Author of more than 170 scientific publications in international journals and conferences.

Dr. Hiroshi OKAMOTO
From 2015 to 2017, he was President of TEPCO Research Institute, Managing Executive Officer of TEPCO Holdings. Since 2017, he has been Executive Vice President of TEPCO Power Grid where he was responsible for the management reform of the power transmission and distribution business.

Javier IGLESIAS is Project Director in Red Eléctrica de España (Spanish TSO), being responsible of investment projects for the electrical transmission system in Spain. He has over twenty year experience in engineering, construction and management of transmission lines and substations projects.
At present, he is the Chairman of the CIGRE National Committee of Spain, the Chairman of the Technical Advisory Group B2.4 “Electrical aspects of Overhead Lines” and Regular Member of the Study Committee B2. Javier has been Convenor of two CIGRE working groups and active member of more than fifteen. He has been Special Reporter in the Paris Session in 2016, as well as Chairman of various CIGRE Symposia and Workshops. He has been co-author of sixteen papers and publications, and received the Technical Council Award by the Study Committee B2 in 2018.
Pranvera Dobruna Kryeziu is a senior energy expert with over 30 years of experience across industry and academia. An electrical engineer by training, Pranvera has built a distinguished career in both technical and policy expertise.
Throughout her career, Pranvera has held several prominent roles, including CEO and Board Member of Kosovo’s Energy Corporation. Under the Prime Minister's Office Pranvera represented Kosovo in the establishment of the Energy Community Treaty and served as the Head Negotiator for the TSO dispute. Additionally, she was instrumental in founding the Office for Energy and Natural Resources in Kosovo, which evolved into the Ministry of Energy.
Pranvera is the founder and Chairperson of NC CIGRE Kosovo and was honored with the Women in Energy Award in 2022.

Mark WALDRON has more than 30 years’ experience in electricity transmission asset management focussing upon substation primary equipment, particularly switchgear. He is employed by National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) in the UK as Net Zero Asset Strategy Technical Lead and has a particular interest in SF6 management and alternatives to SF6. He is active internationally within CIGRE, IEC, IEEE and ENTSOE, and has held senior leadership positions within both CIGRE (past Vice President Technical) and IEC (present Chair of Sub-Committee 17A). His present national & international activities focus heavily upon alternatives to SF6 and the wider environmental context of reducing SF6 emissions and inventory associated transmission assets, supporting NGET’s commitments and ambitions towards Net Zero.

• Performance and publications in the areas of Electric Energy Law, Regulatory Law, Business Law, Electricity Commercialization and Electricity Market.
• Member of the Board of Directors of Cigre Brasil.
• Member of the Board of Directors of Santo Antônio Energia, the 4th largest hydroelectric generator in Brazil, in the Amazon region.
• Invited professor at FGV, Fisul and USP / Fundação Vanzolini - postgraduation and MBA.
• 2002-2020: She worked at the Brazilian Electricity Commercialization Chamber – CCEE (Brazilian Market Operator), having been a Director from 2014 to 2020, Vice-President of the Board of Directors from 2015 to 2020, legal executive manager from 2002 to 2014. She was an alternate member of the Brazilian Electric Sector Monitoring Committee - CMSE (2014 to 2020).
Solange has a passion for supporting young professionals in the industry and has undertaken several mentoring roles throughout her career.

Conor Mulholland is a Senior Project Engineer with the Irish TSO, EirGrid. Through his work with EirGrid, Conor has developed specialised knowledge in various areas of the power system industry including transmission planning, quality assurance of transmission infrastructure and market operations. Over recent years, Conor has been primarily involved in the delivery of security of supply generation projects to accommodate increasing levels of demand in Ireland.
Since joining the power system industry, Conor has held several senior roles within the CIGRE organisation including NGN Irish Chair, International NGN Secretary and now the incoming chair of the international NGN executive committee. He has also been involved with the advancement of several initiatives within CIGRE such as the development of the NGN constitution and forming the ELECTRA initiative to promote NGN participation in NGN activities.
CIGRE Technical Council 2024 - 2026

Graduate Engineer of the Ecole Centrale de Paris, Philippe ADAM started his career in EDF R&D division in 1980 as a research engineer in the field of HVDC and FACTS. Then he held several management positions in EDF Generation and Transmission. In 2000, he was appointed manager of the financial and management control department of RTE. In 2004 he contributed to the creation of RTE international. From 2011 to 2014 he has been the Strategy Director of Infrastructures and Technologies of the Medgrid industrial initiative.
He have served CIGRE as the Technical Committee Secretary and as the Secretary and Treasurer of the French National Committee. He was appointed Secretary General of CIGRE in March 2014.
Dr. Hiroshi OKAMOTO obtained Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Tokyo in 1993. He joined TEPCO, where he was involved in R&D related to optimization of power systems, project management of UHV transmission projects, and renewable energy integrations regulatory relations related to the power market reform and the development of smart grid strategies.
From 2015 to 2017, he was President of TEPCO Research Institute, Managing Executive Officer of TEPCO Holdings. Since 2017, he has been Executive Vice President of TEPCO Power Grid where he was responsible for the management reform of the power transmission and distribution business.

Thani Al Khusaibi is holding MSc in Electric Power Engineering from UMIST (UK). He is currently holding position of Transmission and Planning Affairs Advisor in Oman Electricity Transmission Company (OETC). Prior to this role he was heading a technical team responsible of establishing OETC as part of restructuring of electricity sector in Oman and became General Manager of OETC. Before restructuring he had several years of experience as distribution, transmission and projects engineer and later became director of electrical projects managing projects of power stations including desalination plants, distribution, and transmission networks. He was a director in several state owned electricity companies in Oman and has represented Oman in the board of GCC Interconnection Authority for over six years. He is the past chairman and advisor of GCC CIGRE board, and representing Oman in the board from 1993 until present.

Howard SEDDING has more than 35 years working in the electricity industry of which 27 years were spent with a Canadian utility in both generation and transmission areas, before joining Qualitrol-Iris Power in 2015. He has participated in CIGRE activities since 1990 co-authoring a dozen papers presented at CIGRE General Sessions and Colloquia as well as participating in several CIGRE WGs. From 2006 to 2014, he was the Canadian Regular member of A1 and since 2016 has been a Special Reporter.
In addition to CIGRE activities, he participates in the development and maintenance of many IEEE and IEC standards concerned with electrical insulation, rotating machines and high voltage testing. Howard is an IEEE Fellow and, currently, the Secretary of IEC TC 42 (High-voltage and high-current test techniques).

Italian nationality, resident in Switzerland
Master graduated as Electrical engineer at Politecnico di Milano - Italy
Professional Experience
- From 2016 Qualitrol LLC: Director FS Europe - Technical Application Specialist for Breaker monitoring.
- 2013-2016 ABB Wettingen (CH): Technology Manager Surge Arrester development
- 2001-2013 ABB Baden (CH): Project Manager High Voltage Interrupter development
- 1996-2001 ABB Lodi (IT): responsible of R&D dep. for GIS and Circuit Breaker Testing
- 1995 Passoni & Villa (IT): responsible of High Voltage Laboratory
- 1991-1994 ABB Bergamo (IT): Short Circuit Lab eng. MV LV power tests
- member of 17A/MT40 “Electrical endurance for Circuit Breaker above 72.5 kV”
- member of 17A/PT50 “Application Guide IEC 62271”
- member of WG53 62271-113 Ed1 “Measurement of sound pressure levels on alternating current CB”
- Convener of WG A3.43 “Tools for lifecycle management of T&D switchgear based on data from condition monitoring systems
- member of WG A3.39 “Application and field experience with Metal Oxide Surge Arresters”
- member of WG A3.32 “ Non-intrusive methods for condition assessment”
- member of WG A3.19 “Implications of 3 Phase line faults on CB Standards”
- Special reporter for study committee A3 of CIGRE Session 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024

Geir CLASEN has a Master Degree in Electrical Engineering. He started his career in Nexans in 1991 (former Alcatel) where he now functions as a technical specialist for testing cable systems in the High Voltage Laboratory. His work within CIGRE as SC B1 Member, both as member and secretary of several Working groups. In addition, Special Reporter, Convener of Tutorial Advisory Group and National Committee representative from Norway for SC B1.
He has been recognized with the “TC Award” in 2021. Since September 2022 Geir is the Chairperson of CIGRE Study Committee B1 “Insulated Cables”.

Pierre Van Dyke has over 30 years of experience on conductor dynamics at the Hydro-Québec Research Institute (IREQ). He has a B.Eng. and M.A.Sc. from École Polytechnique de Montreal, a Masters Certificate in Project Management from Laval university and a Ph.D. from Sherbrooke University where he is also adjunct professor.
He has been the Canadian representative of B2 for eight years and in charge of TAG B2.06 also for eight years before being appointed chairman of SC B2 Overhead lines.
He has authored or co-authored more than 50 papers, the EPRI orange book, a Springer book entitled Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks and the CIGRE green book on Overhead lines.
He received the ‘CIGRE B2 Technical Council Award’ in 2020 and the ‘Masoud Farzaneh Award’ from Université du Québec in Chicoutimi in 2022.

Summary of Professional Experience
BS EE Virginia Tech University 1982
40 years Electric Utility, 38 Years Dominion Energy
Principal Engineer, Operations Engineering, Substation Engineering, Operations and Division Operation Supervisor, Field Engineer Control Operations, Associate Engineer
Summary of Experience within CIGRE
2003-2007 Corresponding B3.03 (300) Guidelines to An Optimal Approach AIS
2007-2020 WG Member and Contributing Author Brochure: 300,439,532,624 and 660
Convener Brochure 613 AIS Design for Severe Climate Conditions
Convener Brochure 805 Guidelines for Safe Work Methods in Substations
Special Reporter B3 2013 Extreme Weather/Seismic Auckland Symposium
Special Reporter B3 2018, 2020, 2021 and 2022 Paris Symposium
B3 AA3 Advisor all Air Insulated Substation brochures and activities 2019 to current (2023)
The CIGRE Distinguished Member Award B3 2022 Paris
The CIGRE Technical Council Award B3 2018 Paris
U.S. National Committee of CIGRE Attwood Associates Award 2018

Jingxuan (Joanne) Hu received her bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering in 1995 (China) and her master’s degree in computer and electrical engineering in 2001 (Canada). She is co-founder and vice president of RBJ Engineering Corporation. She was the secretary of Cigre B4 (2014-2020) and convenor of Cigre WG B4.61. She is chair of IEEE HVDC circuit breaker working group.
Mrs. Hu is a power system specialist with over 20 years experience in HVDC/HVAC including high voltage technologies and equipment; Power system stability and EMPT studies; Sub-synchronous resonance and small signal stability studies; HVDC/FACTS control and modelling; Series and shunt compensations; Equipment design studies; Pre-specification studies, technical specification, design review, factory testing and commissioning of HVDC transmission systems and FACTS device.

Volker Leitloff (1965) studied Electrical Engineering at the university of Stuttgart (Germany) and then completed a PhD-thesis at the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG, France) in 1994.
From 1994 to 2002, he was with the R&D Division of Electricité de France. Since 2003, he is with Rte, where he works on protection of transmission networks and substation control.
He is chair of IEC TC38 and CENELEC TC38 (Instrument Transformers), convenor of IEC TC95 WG2 (Digital I/O of protection IED) and member or past member of several CIGRE and IEC working groups.
He has been appointed chair of CIGRE SC B5 (Protection and Automation) with the mandate starting in September 2024.

Italian national, Electrical Engineer, he served National Electric Utility ENEL and spent one year in Africa at United Nations technical cooperation project.
For a decade with ENI (Italian Oi&Gasl Major), working in Strategies, Investments Planning, Merging&Acquisitions, International Business Activities.
Since 2001 with TERNA RETE ITALIA, Italian TSO, several positions in: Power Exchange Pool set-up, Market Settlement, Business Development, Technology Engineering, Grid Planning, interconnection projects.
Since 2013 focused on R&D&Innovation: EU project Best Paths; ENTSO-E (Convenor of WG “Future Energy Systems” in Committee Research, Development and Innovation); ETIP SNET (EU Platform for coordination R&D&Innovation): co-chair WG Grids&System View.
Engaged in MedTSO (Association of Mediterranean TSOs), IEC ACTAD (Advisory Committee on T&D), ISGAN Annex6 (alternate national member), Dii-Desert Energy (member of Advisory Board, AEIT–LEE (Italian Electricity Journal, Editorial Board member, reviewer).
In CIGRE Antonio Iliceto Chairs Study Committee C1 (System Development & Economics); since 2010 he actively contributes as convenor/co-convenor/contributor of 8 WGs on planning drivers, global grids, TSO-DSO relation, vertical & horizontal interconnections, African electrification; he served as special reporter, poster session, member of Strategic Advisory Group to the Chair.
Dr. Renuka Chatterjee leads operations at the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), overseeing functions that ensure efficient and reliable grid operations, including system operations, operational planning and market operations, and market settlements.
Chatterjee joined MISO in 2000 and in addition to her vision on grid operations of the future, has led multiple strategic initiatives including wind integration, the development of seams agreements between MISO and its neighbors, resource adequacy reforms and, most recently, MISO’s reliability through significant weather events.
Chatterjee holds a Doctorate degree in Electrical Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago and a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India.

- First experience in CIGRE in 2007, as WG C3-02 member
- Involved in other WGs: C3-04, C3-06, C3-12 & C3-20
- Spanish representative in SC3 and member of Spanish National Committee from 2008 to 2014
- Member of the SC3 Strategic Advisory Group (SAG), since 2014
- SC3 secretary from 2012 to 2020
- Special Report for CIGRE Symposium in Lisbon 2013 “Smarts Grids: Next Generation Grids for New Energy Trends”
- Special reporter for CIGRE Paris Session 2016
- CIGRE Study Committee Award in 2016
- Distinguished member in 2018
Main areas of expertise: Sustainability and Environment, in the last years mainly focused on Climate Change and Non-Financial Reporting. Other environmental issues: Environmental Management Systems, SF6, Environmental Due Diligence, Strategic Environmental Assessment and training.

- CIGRE individual Member through Irish National Committee
- Permanent member of Irish National Committee
- SC C4 Regular Member for Republic of Ireland (2014-2022)
- SC C4 AG3 Tutorials & Conferences Convener (2016-2022)
- JWG C4/B4.38 Convener
- WG C4.307 Task Force Lead
- WG C4.56 Member
- WG C4.502 Member
- JWG C2/B4.38 Member
- 2016 session SC C4 Special Reporter
- Session Chair in various CIGRE symposia
- 2020 CIGRE Distinguished Member Award
- 2020 CIGRE e-session Pioneer Achievement Award Recipient
- 2021 CIGRE WiE Award Recipient

Yannick Phulpin is a recognized expert in power systems planning and operation, electricity markets, and regulation.
He graduated in electrical engineering from CentraleSupélec (France) and TU Darmstadt (Germany) and holds a Ph.D. degree from GeorgiaTech (USA).
His professional journey began in 2004 as an Assistant Professor with CentraleSupélec. He then worked with INESCTEC (Portugal) as a Senior Researcher, and joined to EDF in 2011, as a R&D researcher with a particular focus on the valuation of distributed flexibilities. In 2015, he joined the optimisation and trading direction of EDF as a lead engineer in charge of national and European electricity market design and energy policy. He was the Vice-Chair of Eurelectric’s working group on market integration and network codes and a member of the expert group on electricity interconnection targets of the European Commission. In 2021, Yannick joined EDF’s CI2T Engineering Centre as the head of department for power system studies, which provides consultancy services on power system planning and management.
Since 2018, Yannick has been the secretary and chairman (from 2024) of CIGRE Study Committee C5 on electricity markets and regulation.

Kurt has more than 35 years’ experience in the Distribution business. He has worked for ESKOM in a vertically integrated utility in South Africa, where he has had extensive involvement in their operational and associated asset management functions. His current role comprises the integration of DER and Embedded Generation resources in line with South Africa’s Integrated Resource Plan, and includes utility-scale Battery Storage projects. He was instrumental in the development of the Renewable and Battery Storage Grid Codes for the country, and in parallel produced a number of national Planning Standards and Guidelines for ESKOM. Additionally he is also shaping the DSO and Energy Trading principles for the South African Distribution business landscape.
Kurt has a degree in Electrical Engineering and a diploma in Business Management. He is based in Pietermaritzburg where he works in an advisory capacity for ESKOM.
Kurt represented the Southern Africa CIGRE chapter as the C6 regular member role from 2016 onwards. In 2018 he joined the joint World Bank / CIGRE Africa Working Group as the Secretary, and became the SC C6 Chairman in 2022.

Simon SUTTON works as Director of Professional Services for Altanova and is based in the UK. His responsibilities include business strategy, external relationships, and the coordination of technical activities around the world.
He has over 25 years’ experience in the electricity transmission and distribution industry predominantly in the cables sector. He has worked in the cable materials supply industry, as the cables policy manager for a transmission utility and in the research sector. His interests also include condition monitoring, diagnostic testing, forensics and asset management.
Simon holds a degree and PhD in Physics both from the University of Reading. Within CIGRE he was the past UK representative on CIGRE SC D1, Materials and Emerging Test Techniques, and has participated in many CIGRE working groups in a number of Study Committees (B1, B3, D1) and led the Advisory Group on Solids. He is a member of the editorial board of the IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine and a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the University of Southampton.

Victor TAN is a Registered Professional Engineer based in Australia and has more than 20 years of experience in critical infrastructure, including strategy and roadmap development, and designing and implementing secure and reliable information systems and telecommunications networks for power utilities.
He holds an MBA and a Bachelor of Engineering 1st Class Honours in Information Technology and Telecommunications, and several cybersecurity industry certifications including CISSP and CISM. Victor has been involved in CIGRE for more than 10 years as a Working Group convenor, Australia D2 mirror panel Chair, and has been awarded the Technical Council Award and the Pioneer Achievement Award.