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End of an Era and new beginnings at CIGRE

29 August 2024

As we close a significant chapter at CIGRE, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible leadership and dedication of Michel Augonnet, who has just concluded his presidency, and Marcio Szechtman, who has completed his tenure as the Technical Council Chair.

Michel’s visionary guidance has been instrumental in navigating CIGRE through dynamic times, fostering innovation, collaboration, and growth. His commitment to our mission has left a lasting impact on the global power systems community.
Marcio's tenure as Technical Council Chair has been equally remarkable. His expertise and passion for advancing technical excellence have propelled our initiatives forward, ensuring that CIGRE continues to be at the forefront of industry developments.
We are immensely grateful for their service and are confident that their legacies will inspire the next generation of leaders within our organization. As we look ahead to the future, we remain committed to building on the strong foundation they've established.

End of an Era and new beginnings at CIGRE


Congratulations to our New Leaders!

We are thrilled to welcome Konstantin Papailiou as the new President of CIGRE. With his extensive experience and commitment to our goals, we are excited to see how he will steer our organization into new horizons.
A special congratulations to Rannveig Loken, who has made history as the first woman to be named Chair of the CIGRE Technical Council. This is a landmark moment for our community, reflecting our commitment to diversity and inclusivity, and we are eager to see the fresh perspectives and innovative ideas she will bring to the table.
Thank you, Michel and Marcio, for your extraordinary contributions and for making CIGRE what it is today. Wishing you both the very best in your future endeavors! And congratulations once again to Konstantin and Rannveig.


Special thanks and congratulations to our one Leader who is continuing!

We are also excited to announce Michael Heyeck CIGRE VP Finance and Marketing, has with the unanimous support of the AdCo extended his tenure for another 2 years. Mike has been instrumental in the marketing transformation of CIGRE’s brand and digital platform. He also steered our finances through the troubling times of Covid and has set us on an incredible course to financial sustainability. Thanks Mike for your service to date and congratulations on the extension of your tenure!

With this great leadership team we are looking forward to the exciting journey ahead!