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Next Generation Network Significant Contribution Award



In 2024 :


  • Phillip COUGHLAN (Australia)
  • Aditie GARG (India)
  • Bogdan LEU (Romania)
  • Gen LI (Denmark)
  • Laetitia MAUGAIN (France)



In 2022 :


  • Anthony GIACOMONI (United States)
  • Matthew ZILLMANN (Australia)
  • Madeline BINET (Australia)
  • Ana LOVRENCIC (Slovenia)
  • Mengjun LIAO (China)
  • Kostas VELITSIKAKIS (Netherlands)
  • Ilka JAHN (Germany)



In 2021 :


  • Jens HETTLER (Switzerland)
  • Christopher MERTZ (The United States of America)
  • Vinay SEWDIEN (The Netherlands)



 In 2020 :


  • Stefie CRAY (Germany)
  • Stanislav EROSHENKO (The Russian Federation)
  • Andreas KUBIS (Germany)
  • Tara-Lee McARTHUR (Australia)
  • Amanda OLSON (The United States of America)

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