CIGRE Awards Medal
Name | Country | Year | CIGRE function |
Ja-Yoon KOO | South Korea | 2024 |
Former Chair of the Korean National Committee, active member of CIGRE Administrative Council and outstanding expert in "Insulated cables" and "Materials and emerging test techniques". |
Mladen KEZUNOVIC | United States | 2024 | Long-standing and outstanding expert in "Protection and automation", and "Power system operation and control". |
Robert George STEPHEN | South Africa | 2022 | Former CIGRE President, former Chair of Study Committee 22 "Overhead lines", former Chair of the South African National Committee, and Editor-in-chief of CIGRE Science & Engineering. |
Mohamed RASHWAN | Canada | 2022 | Former Chair of Study Committee B4 "DC systems and power electronics", former Chair of the Canadian National Committee, and member of the Steering Committee. |
Richard BEVAN | Australia | 2021 | Former CIGRE Treasurer and former Chair of the Australian National Committee. |
Anjan BOSE | United States | 2021 | Long-standing and outstanding expert in "Power systems operation and control". |
Mark WALDRON | United Kingdom | 2020 |
Former Technical Council Chair, and former Chair of Study Committee A3 "High voltage equipment". |
Konstantin PAPAILIOU | Switzerland | 2020 | Former Chair of SC B2 "Overhead lines", Chief Editor of CSE. |
Switzerland |
2018 | Former CIGRE President and former Chair of the Technical Committee. |
Clark GELLINGS | United States | 2018 | Former Chair of the United States National Committee, former Chair of the United States National Committee, and former member of the Steering Committee. |
Narain G. HINGORANI | United States | 2016 | Former Chair of SC 14 "HVDC links and AC power electronic equipment". |
Prabha KUNDUR | Canada | 2014 | Former Chair Canada NC, former Chair of SC C4 "System technical performance". |
Marcio SZECHTMAN | Brazil | 2014 | Former Chair of SC B4 "HVDC and Power Electronics". |
Colin RAY | United Kingdom | 2012 | Former Chair of SC C1 “System Development and Economics”. |
André MERLIN | France | 2012 | Former CIGRE President, former Chair of the Technical Committee and former Chair of the French National Committee. |
Jean KOWAL | France | 2010 | Former CIGRE Secretary General. |
Heinz-Helmut SCHRAMM | Germany | 2010 | Former Chair of SC 13 “Switching Equipment”. |
Aldo BOLZA | Italy | 2008 | Former CIGRE Technical Committee Chair and former Chair of Study Committee 21 "HV insulated cables". |
Joao Guimaeraes Ferreira DA SILVA | Brazil | 2008 | Former Chair Brazil NC, Chair RIAC. |