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The latest news


Keeping you up-to-date with news from
across the world of CIGRE



Protection for modern distribution networks

3 mai 2023
The aim of Working Group B5.83 is to investigate emerging protection methods for distribution networks and make suggestions for further developments and applications of new protection relays. Read More

Energy Efficiency measures in Distribution Systems

3 mai 2023
Surging energy costs, the disruption of energy supply chains and the looming shortages of energy have sharpened the focus on the implementation of new measures and policies to use, manage and conserve energy more efficiently. Grid reinforcement efforts are unable to keep up with the growth in electrification. Read More

Africa Working Group initiatives

3 mai 2023
The Africa Working Group was established in 2018 as a formally constituted initiative between the World Bank and CIGRE. It was established to address the following challenges that still exist in many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, which contains the largest number and percentage of people who still do not have access to electricity. Read More

In loving memory of our colleague, Christiane OUNISSI

6 mars 2023

Christiane OUNISSI passed away on 15 February 2023. She had joined the CIGRE Central Office in 2004 to manage the registration for the Sessions and Symposia.Read More