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The latest news


Keeping you up-to-date with news from
across the world of CIGRE



CIGRE Session 47 feedback

Good feedback from the 47th Session delegates: CIGRE Session continues to be THE event of the profession.Read More


Integration of electric vehicles in electric power systems

With the expected integration of Electric Vehicles (EVs) more>

Blackout: How is Energy Rich Australia running out of energy?

Australia has become, quite by accident, a live experiment in managing high penetration of intermittent renewable generation in a modern electricity grid. The transformation of the Australian electricity system defies the textbook theory: it has one of the highest rates of renewable generation per capita in the world, yet it has still one of the highest emissions systems too. Read More

Welcome to digital ELECTRA

Welcome to the new ELECTRA, the signature magazine of CIGRE for our digital world. CIGRE is excited to offer our members and subscribers this new platform to access the latest news, global connections, expertise, and work from the world of CIGRE.