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The latest news


Keeping you up-to-date with news from
across the world of CIGRE



Demystifying CIGRE through the power of multimedia

20 septembre 2018
For many years those who know CIGRE have recognised and valued its approach to power system knowledge sharing and development. - Read More

New brand materials sought after by enthusiastic community

20 septembre 2018
Following the successful release of CIGRE’s new brand at the Paris Session 47, many in the community have been asking us where they can find the new materials. Most of the brochures and videos are available at, but of particular interest to our members are the standard PowerPoint presentations. - Read More

Inspire, Motivate and Empower Women Engineers

7 septembre 2018

The 3rd CIGRE Women in Engineering (WIE) Forum was successfully held on 30th August 2018 in Paris, France. “Inspire, Motivate and Empower Women Engineers” was the theme of this year. The event was organised by the WIE Taskforce led by Ruomei LI from CSEE and the CIGRE Central Office. - Read More

Thank you to those who attended the 2018 CIGRE Session and contributed to the success of this event.

7 septembre 2018

The 47th Paris Session was very successful, with a record number of 3,600 delegates among 9600 participants from 98 countries (3,120 delegates among 6800 participants in 2016). - Read More