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The latest news


Keeping you up-to-date with news from
across the world of CIGRE



Navigating Canada's Energy Transition

22 octobre 2019

In January 2019, New Brunswick Power (NB Power), and Nova Scotia Power (NSP) and their partners including Siemens were awarded $35.66 M CAD in federal funding for a joint pilot project, called the Smart Grid Atlantic project. The project is aimed at analyzing challenges and opportunities posed by Canada’s energy transition. The partners will research, and test in real-time, how the grid of the future can optimize integration of renewables, ensure stability of the grid and manage decentralized distribution to better manage the provinces’ electricity. We believe the approach to be tested in this pilot could reduce future electricity costs for consumers and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.Read More

The World of CIGRE

22 octobre 2019

"The World of CIGRE" article was published in T&D World's Straight Talk column in their September 2019 edition. Michael Heyeck, our Marketing & Communications Task Force convener for the Steering Committee, authored this article with support from CIGRE officers, the Central Office, and our marketing consultant, Colin Knox from Aspire. Mike has authored a total of five Straight Talk columns for T&D World, one a few years ago for support of the next generation for our profession, now NGN.Read More

CIGRE Awards 2020

21 octobre 2019

The nomination campaign for the 2020 Awards is starting for the CIGRE Medal and the Distinguished Membership. As for the 2018 campaign, the collection of the nominations by the Central Office is done via an online survey. The following links provide the information about these awards, and the forms to be filled in to submit nominations. Read More


Defining power system resilience

30 septembre 2019

The definition of resilience has alluded utilities and standard authorities. Resilience is more than just “bouncing back”. CIGRE Working Group SC C4.47 has researched and formulated a definition as well as key actionable measures as an integral part of the definition. This paper covers the process and derivation of the definition as well as the actionable measures. It compares reliability to resilience and discusses application of the definition in the electricity sector. Read More