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across the world of CIGRE



African Work Group SUBSTATION Tutorial and Workshop in Zambia

29 octobre 2019
A successful workshop and tutorial session was held in Zambia in the last week of August 2019. The Workshop focused on cost-effective Substation Designs as featured in the Technical Brochure 740, which was published recently.Read More

Q&A with Manon Van Beek, CEO TenneT

29 octobre 2019
As a country, the Netherlands has committed itself to the international climate agreements of, among others, Paris (COP21). The Netherlands translated the climate objectives into national energy agreements. Read More

How to reduce SF6 emissions

29 octobre 2019
SF6 has been in use as an insulation medium since the 1960’s. It exhibits excellent properties allowing for more compact switchgear, transformers, and Gas-insulated Lines. While the lifespan is 30-50 years, SF6 is, unfortunately, a severe green-house gas with the high global warming potential (GWP) of 22,800, relative to CO2. Read More

Q&A with Merryn York, CEO Powerlink Queensland

22 octobre 2019

Climate change action and emissions targets are key discussions topics in Australia, and are important drivers of energy policy and agenda setting. Powerlink has an important role to play in the transition to a low carbon future, predominantly through enabling connection of large-scale renewable energy projects across Queensland. Read More