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The latest news


Keeping you up-to-date with news from
across the world of CIGRE



My CIGRE journey

19 décembre 2019
My CIGRE journey began in 2006, and this made a significant difference for me, my colleagues and my company. I was a young engineer with only five years in my career, and my first exposure to CIGRE came through my participation in a working group that was developing work in the field of control room operator's training.Read More


19 décembre 2019

The European Technology and innovation Platform for Smart Networks in Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) and the International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) strongly welcome the announcement of the European Green Deal by the European Commission - a document that outlines overarching policy priorities for the next five years, which are meant to help Europe reach carbon neutrality by 2050. Read More

Hydrogen: Breaking Power Systems frontiers?

30 octobre 2019

All recent technological changes that the power systems have gone through are derived from: (i) A more active role of the Distribution Systems (Decentralization), (ii) Advances in digital techniques and applications (Digitalization) and (iii) An increased use of renewable energy sources of intermittent nature (Decarbonization). This resulted in a remarkable transformation in the power system business as a whole.Read More

OMVG Study Tour to South Africa

29 octobre 2019
A study tour took place to South Africa in the first week of September 2019, for the Gambian River Basin Development Organisation (OMVG). The OMVG project includes the construction of a 1 600 km long, 225kV transmission line which traverses four countries.Read More