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across the world of CIGRE



About the key role of cyber security in power system resilience

16 janvier 2020
With the progressive digitalisation of electric power processes imposed by the ongoing energy transition, power operators need to implement an effective cyber security strategy within their organisation. As providers of the most essential service to the society and the economy, such cyber security strategy is aimed at managing the risks from cyber threats to the information and communication infrastructure and making the power service operation resilient to cyber incidents.Read More

Electric vehicles charging systems

16 janvier 2020
The charging system of Electric Vehicles (EV), given the battery energy storage system on board the vehicle, can be considered one of the important DER (Distributed Energy Resources) systems, providing flexibility to the distribution and transmission system operator, in the form of a stationary Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) when the EV is connected to the charger. Read More

Submarine cables, there's power under water!

16 janvier 2020

Submarine power cables are now among the most important key enablers for the energy transition.

Power generation from Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and interconnection among networks are, in fact ,the two main areas  where energy links across water is developing massively and – as such – are driving the recent technological evolution. Read More

Obituary Dr. Mitek Glinkowski

7 janvier 2020
It is with deep sadness to inform you that Mietek Glinkowski has passed away at the age of 62 years. Read More