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The latest news


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across the world of CIGRE



CIGRE India - Women in Engineering Forum

27 février 2020
CIGRE India has launched its "Women in Engineering Forum" on the national level and conducted its event on 19th Nov 2019 in New Delhi. The objective of the event was to introduce the CIGRE Women in Engineering forum, highlighting the contribution of women in CIGRE structure and to enable its Members with knowledge transfer and networking.Read More

CIGRE United States Next Generation Network - 5th Annual Paper Competition Provides Younger Members a Platform

27 février 2020

The CIGRE United States Next Generation Network (NGN) includes individuals within the power systems industry with up to 10 years of experience, as well as students. The NGN seeks to facilitate a successful transition into the power systems industry by providing technical resources and networking opportunities.Read More

CIGRE Science and Engineering now Scopus registered

27 février 2020

CIGRE Science and Engineering the global magazine for the entire power delivery industry, is now SCOPUS registered. All CIGRE technical publications (peer reviewed) dedicated for end-to-end (E2E) power system expertise in CSE can now can be readily referenced, searched and recognized worldwide.Read More

Closing the gap in understanding between stakeholders and electrical energy specialists

16 janvier 2020
Global climate change initiatives have driven a massive increase in intermittent generation, often in a distributed form, together with a range of new technologies. There are now significant numbers of customers who own generation in the form of roof top solar panels, wind turbines, and more recently battery storage. Read More