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The latest news


Keeping you up-to-date with news from
across the world of CIGRE



Energizing the Future: The Evolution of Smart and Eco-Friendly T&D Equipment

29 avril 2024

The evolution of power systems is being driven by a global shift towards renewable energy sources and the need for greater resilience in the face of changing demand patterns and climate-related challenges. Read More

Paris session 2024: The Next Generation Network Forum

29 avril 2024
The 2024 Paris session is fast approaching, and an international organising group is planning the well-known Next Generation Network (NGN) Forum, which will take place on Wednesday the 28th of August from 11am to 2pm Paris time in the Palais des Congrès. Read More

Power System Operation - New Challenges and the Continuous Need for New Solutions ensuring a Future without Routine

12 janvier 2024

One thing we can be sure of is that the world continues to change. Climate change, political and economic contexts, new realities in the social scenario, everything seems to contribute to questioning the term "transition" as a situation with no end date. Read More

Are we building the electricity system of the future?

12 janvier 2024

According to scientific evidence, global temperatures will continue to rise and adverse impacts from climate change will intensify. Read More