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The latest news


Keeping you up-to-date with news from
across the world of CIGRE



Hydrogen, Power to Gas (P2G) and Gas to Power (G2P): Interesting technologies which need additional R&D and analyses within a system approach

16 juillet 2020
The current use of wind and photovoltaic generation pose several challenges to their increasingly strong penetration (ref 1 and 2). The use of energy resources that do not generate CO2 emissions is becoming increasingly important. The idea of green hydrogen, produced by electrolyzers fed with electricity from renewable sources, which by burning generates water, is more compelling today considering the new needs of the electrical power systems with the explosion of wind and solar generation, taking care of its possible multi-sector uses as well.Read More

Utility 3.0: Japan's Utility of the Future

16 juillet 2020

Five megatrends (5Ds) will bring about changes to the Japanese power/energy business. These changes are inevitable and irreversible. We call them the 5Ds and they are:

  • Deregulation
  • Decentralization
  • Decarbonization
  • Digitilization
  • Depopulation

Depopulation is the trend that Japan will likely face earlier than the rest of the world, while the other 4Ds are global megatrends.Read More


Why collaboration is key to remaining resilient in our electric future

16 juillet 2020

National Grid Electricity Transmission prides itself on providing services safely and reliably, whilst remaining resilient to external factors that could disrupt business activities. As the UK energy landscape changes – with greater cross–sector interdependence and evolving user expectations, how will we ensure that our electricity infrastructure remains resilient in the future?  By working collaboratively across businesses, the electricity sector, and other sectors to define, measure, and address resilience.Read More

Digital ELECTRA to be released in August

6 juillet 2020

Digital ELECTRA is in its final stages of testing and the first edition is on track for release in August. In parallel with the release, we will post on our LinkedIn and Twitter pages to notify members, as well as distribute an ELECTRA email to our database. We will also load notifications on our various digital platforms, including and More