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The latest news


Keeping you up-to-date with news from
across the world of CIGRE



The Creation of CIGRE

26 août 2020
A century ago, as if history were repeating itself, the world was battling the Spanish Flu pandemic, but European nations were also recovering from the damages caused by World War I.Read More

JOURNEY OF A CIGRE GREEN BOOK “Electricity Supply Systems of the Future”

26 août 2020
The “Electricity Supply Systems of the Future” has been published in the CIGRE Green Book series in August 2020.  This inspiring book is the major milestone of a 12-year exciting journey formulating CIGRE’s vision about the future of electricity supply systems.Read More

CEO COVID-19 Diaries: Impacts on energy supply, impacts on grids, impacts on PEOPLE

26 août 2020
This weekend, 1 August 2020, marks the completion of my fifth month in charge of our company in the Netherlands. To be honest, I would love to be writing an article about power systems, about the energy transition, about decarbonization and how we are facing up to the technical challenges or about how we have delivered critical national electrical infrastructure for our clients in the Netherlands.Read More

Knowledge Sharing: State Grid's effective response to Covid-19 pandemic

26 août 2020
The year 2020 is unusual in which the covid-19 is still spreading around the world. The epidemic has curbed the economic and social development, and infected tens of millions of people around the world.Read More