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across the world of CIGRE



Electric Transportation Energy Supply Systems

1 septembre 2020
Transportation systems are among the largest consumers of fossil fuels, after electric power generation, in many jurisdictions. These systems include passenger vehicles, busses and urban light rail systems, trucks for local delivery and long-distance transport of merchandise, and diesel-powered railway systems. Transportation electrification is therefore one of the important approaches to achieve decarbonization of the economy, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and to reduce the global consumption and reliance on fossil fuels.Read More

Dielectric Testing of HVDC gas-insulated systems Fundamentals for a future standard

1 septembre 2020
Rapid, worldwide implementation of electrical power generation from renewable sources, often located at great distances from urban and industrial consumers, has led to the need for new, low loss, long-distance transmission systems. A result of this trend is that development of DC transmission technologies is progressing rapidly. As a part of this, gas-insulated DC transmission lines (DC GIL) and gas-insulated DC substations stations (DC GIS) are of particular interest due to their space-saving advantages. Testing of these systems poses unique challenges and forms the basis for a reliable service performance. Read More

Operational impact of COVID-19 on Australia's National Energy Market

1 septembre 2020

The impact of COVID-19 on the operations of the National Energy Market (NEM) has been largely managed to date. This is thanks to the prompt and careful actions of all our market participants, energy consumers (both major and minor) and governments.Read More

The Role of Blockchain Technologies in Power Markets

31 août 2020

Blockchain technologies offer an exciting opportunity for balancing demand and supply in decentralized trading systems. Their rise has coincided with power systems becoming more decentralized and a world in which consumers can collectively control quite large energy sources. Blockchain technology helps the transition of Consumers to Prosumers and it also contributes to Demand Side Management as well.  It offers the opportunity for consumers to trade their power sources and their load effectively with the potential to reduce their energy costs. Read More