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Busbar Protection Considerations When Using IEC 61850 Process Bus

8 janvier 2021

Busbar protection systems protect substation busbars and associated equipment from the consequences of short-circuits and earth faults. In the early days of power system development no separate protection device was used for busbar protection. Remote end-line protections served as the main protection for busbar faults. As a result of increased network short-circuit capacity, dedicated differential relays for busbar protections have been applied to limit the damage caused by high fault currents.Read More

The development of a remote temperature logging system for pole mounted distribution transformers

8 janvier 2021
South African power utility company, ESKOM’s fleet of reticulation transformers is greater than 200,000. More than 90% of which are pole mounted transformers (PMT). In the winter months (May to September) the average PMT failure event is 2200. This costs the company R70.4Million ($4.1Million) annually. Additionally, this has a significantly negative impact (>10%) on system average interruption duration index (SAIDI).Read More

Role of green hydrogen in energy transition: opportunities and challenges from technical and economic perspectives

8 janvier 2021
Hydrogen demand is expected to ramp up steeply in the coming decade from ~80 Mt in 2020 up to 160 Mt in 2030 (according to qualified consultants’ studies). The wide range in demand can be explained by significant deviations in cost reductions throughout the hydrogen supply chain, as well as different outlooks on the adoption speed of hydrogen technologies.Read More

Technology and applications of industrial internet of things in power industry

8 janvier 2021
The Power industry-Internet of Things (P-IoT) plays an important role in promoting the low-carbon transformation of energy and improving the quality and efficiency of the power grid. Currently, the global power industry is not satisfied with the effectiveness of low-carbon energy transformation.Read More