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The latest news


Keeping you up-to-date with news from
across the world of CIGRE



Safety: a crucial issue to sustainability on insulated cable systems

11 mai 2021

Today a greater focus than earlier is put on safety and safe work conditions and therefore a more goal-oriented approach to safety is needed, consisting of guidelines, specifications and recommendations.Read More

Hybrid LCC/VSC HVDC System is being proved

11 mai 2021

An ongoing activity in Study Committee B4 tackles the relevant aspect of a combined use of both HVDC technologies available, the Thyristor based Line Commutated Converter (LCC) and the Insulated Gate Base Transistor (IGBT) Voltage Source Converter (VSC). This is referred to as hybrid LCC/VSC HVDC systems.Read More

Springer Handbook of Power Systems published

4 mai 2021
Springer Nature has released a comprehensive source for electrical power professionals. The Springer Handbook of Power Systems, which is endorsed by CIGRE, covers all elementary topics related to the design, development, operation and management of power systems and provides insights from worldwide key players in the electrical power systems industry.Read More

Dutch CIGRE C0 kick-off meeting

3 mai 2021
On the 26th of February 2021 a CIGRE C0 kick-off meeting was organised in the Netherlands. Due to covid-19 circumstances this meeting was held online. CIGRE C0 stands for the combination of the Dutch Study Committees C1, C2, C5 and C6 activities, as these are the committees that take the system perspective.Read More