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The latest news


Keeping you up-to-date with news from
across the world of CIGRE



Future tendencies in the Overhead Line Business

6 septembre 2021
Overhead Lines OHL are an important part for the supply of electricity. Together with underground cables UGC and gas insulated lines GIL they transport energy from electric power plants to households, factories, transport facilities and are used for many other applications.Read More

In Memoriam – Prof. Dr.-Ing Dr. h.c. Heinz-Helmut Schramm

2 septembre 2021

It is with deep regret that CIGRE announces the passing of Prof. Heinz-Helmut Schramm.

Almost his entire professional life, from 1961 to 2001, Prof. Heinz-Helmut Schramm was involved in the development of medium and high voltage switchgear. He studied Electrical Engineering at Darmstadt Technical University and received his degree of Doctor of Engineering from the Munich Technical University. He joined the basic research department of Siemens in 1961, before moving to the Siemens high voltage switchgear factory in 1965. Read More

In Memoriam – Prof. Willis F. "Bill" Long

2 septembre 2021

Willis F. "Bill" Long, Professor Emeritus, Electric Power Systems,

University of Wisconsin-Madison (UOW), USA, born in 1934, died on July 10, 2021. Read More

Virtual Centennial Session

14 juin 2021
CIGRE’s Virtual Centennial Session – it’s new, but just as essential for power system professionals as it’s always been. And registrations are now open Read More