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The latest news


Keeping you up-to-date with news from
across the world of CIGRE



In Memoriam – Dr. Claude Hardy 1942-2021

5 juillet 2022
It is with deep regret that CIGRE announces the passing of Dr. Claude Hardy on December 9, 2021 at the age of 79.Read More

Knowledge Transfer of Substation Engineering and Experiences

17 mai 2022
Certainly “knowledge” is a major defining characteristic of mankind and a major contributor to our civilization and achievements.  Ancient Rome was a milestone in technical achievement with engineered material (concrete), engineered structures (the Colosseum), and engineered systems (roads and aqueducts).  All that preceded, such as the primitive use of fire and tools, to all that followed, like modern probing of atomic nucleus to the extents of the universe, have been the result of acquired knowledge.  It is a clear fact that knowledge is a cornerstone of civilization.Read More

Risk and asset health-based decision making in existing substations

17 mai 2022

The transmission and distribution networks have been in service for many decades. The asset owners must keep maintaining all aged assets in their substations, but they are restricted, as they cannot commit unlimited finance and resources on maintenance or asset replacement. They have to optimise their efforts and focus their approach on the most critical issues.Read More

Interdependence and Security of Cyber-Physical Power System

16 mai 2022

Digitalization technologies permeate modern power systems, affecting all its aspects including electricity generation, transmission, distribution and consumption. The digitalization transformation of modern power systems is developing further, towards the future smart grid. Under the extensive deployment of advanced technologies and applications that systematically interconnect centralized and distributed controllers, sensors, physical devices, and various stakeholders involved in many processes, the future smart grid is extending its functionality by allowing a two-way flow of both electricity and information.Read More