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The latest news


Keeping you up-to-date with news from
across the world of CIGRE



My Gains and Feelings in a CIGRE Working Group

10 janvier 2023
CIGRE SC B4 Newsletter March 2022 reported the release of CIGRE TB 864. After five years, this international Technical Brochure (TB) on the real-time simulation modeling methods and application of HVDC transmission systems was finally presented to the world. Read More

Obituary - Dennis K. Holstein

10 janvier 2023
Dennis K. Holstein, our friend and esteemed colleague, passed away in October 2022. Read More

Cable Failure Statistics every 2nd year

18 août 2022
Many companies wish to use accurate data to make informed decisions about installation and operation of underground and submarine cable systems. To support this approach, CIGRE has been gathering population and failure data from cable systems in service since at least 1977 and an update of the failure statistics has been published approximately every 10 years since then. Read More

Development of the electric infrastructure for energy transition: environmental challenges

18 août 2022
Climate change is a global challenge and tackling it is a matter of high priority on the international agenda. The Paris Agreement, reached at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) in 2015, marked a relevant milestone and, since then, the international community has been working on the development of the mechanisms for its implementation. Read More