Knowledge Programme > Sustainability and Climate


CIGRE is a world leader, we offer a scope of work covering the end to end power system. With over 4000 experts collaborating in our knowledge development programme, our electricity work on the energy transition is as global as it is comprehensive.


A key part of this work is around sustainability and climate and is enabled by our international study committees and working groups.


These groups involve experts from all over the world and the work they produce is renowned as a practical, world class, technical resource.

Information on CIGRE’s technical work and resources on sustainability and climate follows:




CIGRE’s scope of work on sustainability and climate


To follow is a list of the areas of scope relating to sustainability and climate grouped by each of our relevant global Study Committees.


A1  Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion

• High efficiency electrical machines including generators & motors

• E2E use of sustainable and recyclable materials in machine design and operation

• Equipment for SMR nuclear generation plant


A2  Power transformers and reactors

• Impact of severe weather and climate changes on transformers


B1  Insulated cables

• Recycling of cable materials and change to more environmental materials.

• Resilient cable systems will be more adapted to climatic changes.


B2  Overhead lines

• Increased climatic loads and impact on overhead lines reliability and ageing


B3  Substations and electrical installations

• Circular economy in the construction, operation and maintenance of substations


B5  Protection and automation

• Protection and Automation to improve grid resilience related to climate change 


C1 Power system development and economics

• Natural resources depletion and critical materials for system development


C2  Power system operation and control

• Resilience, high impact low probability high impact events


C3  Power system sustainability and environmental performance

• Climate change mitigation (decarbonization & Net Zero) and adaptation (risks & opportunities)

• Environmental & social impacts of power system development and operation


C4  Power system technical performance

• Dynamic modelling of climate-related events and integration into bulk power system performance analysis


C5  Electricity markets and regulation

• Impacts of emission reduction on markets


D1  Materials and emerging test techniques

• Alternative materials with a lower carbon footprint than incumbent options


D2  Information systems, telecommunications and cybersecurity

• Reducing the carbon footprint of telecommunications equipment with consolidation of services on shared equipment through network and server virtualisation technologies

• Use of sensors and wireless IoT communication to detect conditions such as human activity in order to enter low power mode



Current working groups relating to sustainability and climate


To follow is our current working groups presented by our Study Committee structure. Working groups culminate with the production of a report, called a Technical Brochure.


Group A – Equipment


A1  Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion


WG A1.75 Large air-cooled turbo-generator – state of the art, limits and perspectives for Small Modular Reactors

WG A1.76 Study on Eco-Design, Circular economy and impacts on generator production process

WG A1.64 Guide for Evaluating the Repair/Replacement of Standard Efficiency Motors

WG A1.60 Guide on economic evaluation for refurbishment or replacement decisions on hydro generators


A2  Power transformers and reactors 


WG A2.56 Power Transformer Efficiency

WG A2.60 Dynamic Thermal Behaviour of Power Transformers  

WG A2.62 Analysis of Transformer Reliability

WG A2/C3.70 Transformer Life Cycle Assessment


A3  Transmission and distribution equipment

WG B3/A3.60 User guide for non-SF6 gases and gas mixtures in Substations

WG A3/A2/A1/B1.44 Consequence of High Voltage Equipment operating exceeding highest system voltages


WG A3.51 Requirements for HV T&D Equipment operating under Abnormal Weather Conditions



Group B – Technologies


B1  Insulated cables


WG B1/C5.85 Environmental impact of decommission of cables

WG B1.54 Behaviour of cable systems under large disturbances.

WG B1.58 Asset management in MV cable network

WG B1.88 Replacement gas for SF6 in cable accessories



B3  Substations and electrical installations

WG B3/A3.60 User guide for non-SF6 gases and gas mixtures in Substations


B4  DC systems and power electronics


WG B4.94 Application of VSC-HVDC in a System Black Start Restoration

WG B4.89 Condition Health Monitoring and predictive maintenance of HVDC Converter Stations



Group C – Systems


C1  Power system development and economics


WG C1/C4.46  Optimising power system resilience in future grid desig


C4  Power system technical performance


WG C4.47 Power System Resilience

WG B5/C4.61 Impact of Low Inertia Network on Protection and Control

WG B5/C4.79 Protection Roadmap for Low Inertia and Low Fault Current Networks


C6  Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources


WG C6.45 The Impact of DER on the Resilience of Distribution Networks



Group D – New Materials and IT


D1  Materials and emerging test techniques


WG D1.78 Partial discharge properties of non-SF6 insulating gases and gas mixtures

WG D1/B1.75 Strategies and tools for corrosion prevention for cable systems

WG D1.73 Nanostructured dielectrics: Multi-functionality at the service of the electric power industry

WG D1.69 Guidelines for test techniques of High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) systems

WG D1.68 Natural and synthetic esters - Evaluation of the performance under fire and the impact on environment

WG D1.63 Partial Discharge Detection under DC voltage stress

WG D1.62 Surface degradation of polymeric insulating materials




Technical Brochures already published relating to sustainability and climate


Working groups culminate with the production of a report, called a Technical Brochure (TB), reflecting the state of the art, listing best practices, or proposing recommendations for standardisation. To follow is a list of the current TBs relating to sustainability and climate grouped by Study Committee.


Group A – Equipment


A1  Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion


TB 641 Guide on Economic Evaluation of Refurbishment / Replacement decisions on Turbogenerators


TB 724 Guide on Use of Premium Efficiency IE3motors for Determining Benefits of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction


TB 729 Technological Feasibility Studies for Super and Ultra-Premium Efficient Motors


A2  Power transformers and reactors 


TB 887 Power Transformer Life Extension


TB 755 Transformer Bushing Reliability


TB 659 Transformer Thermal Modelling


TB 642 Transformer Reliability Survey


TB 445 Guide for Transformer Maintenance


A3  Transmission and distribution equipment


TB 871 Current Interruption in SF6-free Switchgear


TB 816 Substation equipment overstress management


TB 589 The Impact of the Application of Vacuum Switchgear at Transmission Voltages


TB 914 Guidelines for SF6 end-of-life treatment of T&D equipment (>1kV) in Substations



Group B – Technologies


B1  Insulated cables


TB 689 Life Cycle Analysis of underground cables


TB 912 Condition evaluation and lifetime strategy of HV cable systems


B2  Overhead lines


TB 350 How overhead lines respond to localized high intensity winds


TB 598 Guidelines for the management of risk associated with severe climatic events and climate change on overhead lines


TB 905 Sustainability of OHL conductors and fittings – Conductor assessment and life exension


B3  Substations and electrical installations


TB 614 Air Insulated Substation Design for Severe Climate Conditions


TB 802 Application of non-SF6 gases or gas-mixtures in medium and high voltage gas-insulated switchgear


TB 886 Guidelines for Fire Risk Management in Substations


TB 914 Guidelines for SF6 end-of-life treatment of T&D equipment (>1kV) in Substations 


B4  DC systems and power electronics


TB 847 Cyber Asset Management for HVDC and FACTS


TB 821 Capabilities and requirements definition for power electronics based technology for secure and efficient system operation and control



Group C – Systems


C1  Power system development and economics


TB 820  Optimal power system planning under growing uncertainty


TB 882 Closing the gap in understanding between stakeholders and electrical energy specialists


Green Book: Power System Assets - Investment, Management, Methods and Practices


TB 882  Closing the gap in understanding between stakeholders and electrical energy specialists


C2  Power system operation and control


TB 868 Mitigating the risk of fire starts and the consequences of fires near overhead lines for System Operations


C4  Power system technical performance


TB 885 Guide on the assessment, specification and design of synchronous condenser for power system with predominance of low or zero inertia generators


TB 855 Effectiveness of line surge arresters for lightning protection of overhead transmission lines


C5  Electricity markets and regulation


TB 710 Impacts of environmental policy on power markets


TB 897 “Carbon Pricing in Wholesale Electricity Markets”



Group D – New Materials and IT


D1  Materials and emerging test techniques


TB 849 Electric performance of new non- SF6 gases and gas mixtures for gas-insulated systems


TB 846 Electrical Insulation Systems at Cryogenic Temperatures


TB 730 Dry air, N2, CO2 and N2/SF6 mixtures for gas-insulated systems


TB 661 Functional nanomaterials for electric power


TB 636 Diagnostics and accelerated life endurance testing of polymeric materials for HVDC application


TB 611 Feasibility study for a DC Tracking & Erosion test


TB 520 Material properties of solid HVDC insulation systems






Energy transition hot topics

Grids and Flexibility
Solar PV and Wind
Consumers, Prosumers
and Electric Vehicles
Sector Integration

CIGRE's end to end domains of work

View CIGRE's 16 Committees and summaries of their scope