CIGRE is a world leader, we offer a scope of work covering the end to end power system. With over 4000 experts collaborating in our knowledge development programme, our electricity work on the energy transition is as global as it is comprehensive.


A key part of this work is around storage and is enabled by our international study committees and working groups.


These groups involve experts from all over the world and the work they produce is renowned as a practical, world class, technical resource.


Information on CIGRE’s technical work and resources on storage follows:





CIGRE’s scope of work on storage


To follow is a list of the areas of scope relating to storage grouped by each of our relevant global Study Committees.



SC A1 Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion

•  Pump-storage hydro, flywheel applications (augmented inertia) and Superconducting energy storage

•  Synchronous compensator equipment


SC B3 Substations and electrical installations

•  New substation design concepts and new functions


SC B4 DC systems and power electronics

•  Inverter based storage


SC C1 Power system development and economics

•  Peak load reduction, Frequency regulation, system stabilization with Storage


SC C2 Power system operation and control

•  Energy storage, peak load reduction, Frequency regulation, system stabilization, isolated systems


SC C4 Power system technical performance

•  Modelling of grid-following and grid-forming BESS

•  Modelling of new and emerging forms of storage such as flow batteries and variable speed pumped hydro


SC C5 Electricity markets and regulation

•  Integration into markets, dispatch and pricing

•  Regulatory aspects of network access


SC C6 Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources

•  Hybrid applications


SC D1 Materials and emerging test techniques

•  Material performance, ageing and degradation of materials in battery systems

•  New test techniques for assessing/monitoring materials in battery systems


SC D2 Information systems, telecommunications and cybersecurity

• Cybersecurity issues in storage systems.


Current working groups relating to storage


To follow is our current working groups presented by our Study Committee structure. Working groups culminate with the production of a report, called a Technical Brochure.


Group B – Technologies



B3  Substations and electrical installations


WG B3.69 Process Requirements for Commissioning and Inspection of Air Insulated Substations (AIS) and Gas Insulated Substations (GIS)


Group C Systems


C1 Power system development and economics

WG C1.47  Energy Sectors Integration, and system impact

WG C1.51 The potential roles of energy storage in electric power systems


WG C1.54 Assessment of system reserves and flexibility needs in the power systems of the future


C4  Power system technical performance

WG C4.44 EMC for Large Photovoltaic Systems

WG C4.54 Protection of high voltage power network control electronics from the High-altitude Electromagnetic pulse (HEMP)

WG C4.36 Winter Lightning – Parameters and Engineering Consequences for Wind Turbines

WG C4.65 Specification, Validation and Application of Harmonic Models of Inverter Based Resources

WG A1/C4.52 Wind generators and frequency-active power control of power systems

WG B4/C4.93 Development of Grid Forming Converters for Secure and Reliable Operation of Future Electricity Systems

WG C4.60 Generic EMT-Type Modelling of Inverter-Based Resources for Long Term Planning Studies


WG C4.77 Best practices for individual and collective conformity assessment of inverter-based resources during their lifetime


C5  Electricity markets and regulation


WG C5.31 Wholesale and Retail electricity cost impacts of flexible demand response


WG C5.39 Regulatory frameworks and market integration for assets under non-firm grid connection


Group D Systems


D1 Materials and emerging test techniques


WG D1.74 PD measurement on insulation systems stressed from HV power electronics


D2  Information systems, telecommunications and cybersecurity


WG D2.53 Technology and Applications of IoT in Power Systems




Technical Brochures already published relating to storage


Working groups culminate with the production of a report, called a Technical Brochure (TB), reflecting the state of the art, listing best practices, or proposing recommendations for standardisation. To follow is a list of the current TBs relating to storage grouped by Study Committee.



Group B Technologies


B3 Substations and electrical installations

TB 869: Design guideline for substations connecting battery energy storage solutions (BESS)


B4 DC systems and power electronics


TB 935 Feasibility study and application of electric energy storage systems embedded in HVDC systems



Group C Systems



C1 Power system development and economics


TB 938 Global interconnected and sustainable electricity system: Effects of storage, demand response and trading rules


C4 Power system development and economics


TB 672  Power quality aspects of solar power

TB 707  EMC in wind energy systems 

TB 851  Impact of High Penetration of Inverter-based Generation on System Inertia of networks 

TB 727  Modelling of inverter-based generation for power system dynamic studies 


C5 Electricity markets and regulation


TB 752 Regulation and market design barriers preventing the capture of all the value from fast and high-locations-freedom energy storage 


C6  Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources

TB 721 The impact of battery energy storage systems on distribution networks


TB 932 Aggregation of battery energy storage and distributed energy resources (DER), including solar PV



Group D New Materials and IT


D1 Materials and emerging test techniques


TB 846: Electrical Insulation Systems at Cryogenic Temperatures

TB 644: Common Characteristics and Emerging Test Techniques for High Temperature Superconducting Power Equipment






Energy transition hot topics

Grids and Flexibility
Sustainability and
Solar PV and Wind
Consumers, Prosumers
and Electric Vehicles
Sector Integration

CIGRE's end to end domains of work

View CIGRE's 16 Committees and summaries of their scope