Knowledge Programme > Solar PV and Wind


CIGRE is a world leader, we offer a scope of work covering the end to end power system. With over 4000 experts collaborating in our knowledge development programme, our electricity work on the energy transition is as global as it is comprehensive.


A key part of this work is around solar PV and wind and is enabled by our international study committees and working groups.


These groups involve experts from all over the world and the work they produce is renowned as a practical, world class, technical resource.

Information on CIGRE’s technical work and resources on solar PV and wind follows:





CIGRE’s scope of work on solar PV and wind


To follow is a list of the areas of scope relating to solar PV and wind grouped by each of our relevant global Study Committees.


SC A1  Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion

• Wind turbines, non -PV solar, tidal, biomass, and geothermal generation schemes


SC A2  Power transformers and reactors 

• Innovative transformer design for Wind and Solar applications
• Reliability survey of transformers used in wind and solar farms


SC A3  Transmission and distribution equipment

• Impact of Renewables (overload, stresses)  on T&D equipment


SC B1  Insulated cables

• Cable systems are key components in delivering electricity from wind&solar plants in general.

• Submarine cables enables the installation of large wind farms offshore.

• Cables are used as interconnectors between countries to allow for a broader energy mix (solar&wind with hydroelectric).


SC B2  Overhead lines

• Transit capacity of overhead lines to connect wind and solar farms to the grid
• Interconnection Overhead Lines and Cables.


SC B3  Substations and electrical installations

• New substation design concepts and new functions


SC B4  DC systems and power electronics

• Inverter technologies


SC B5  Protection and automation

• Protection, automation and control of networks connected to renewable energy resources
• New Network Requirements
• Design, engineering, monitoring and performance of protective relay based power system


SC C1  Power system development and economics

• Forecast, observability, controllability in micro and mini distributed generation (MMDG), aggregators


SC C2  Power system operation and control

• Forecast, observability, controllability, inertia, micro and mini distributed generation (MMDG), aggregators, huge offshore wind generation plants


SC C3  Power system sustainability and environmental performance

• Stakeholders’ engagement and public acceptance


SC C4  Power system technical performance

• Modelling and Dynamic Analysis of grid-following and grid-forming converters
• Offshore wind and energy islands performance
• Lightning protection of PV systems and wind farms


SC C5  Electricity markets and regulation

• Integration into markets, dispatch and pricing
• Regulatory aspects of network access


SC D1  Materials and emerging test techniques

• Impact of invertors on material ageing


SC D2  Information systems, telecommunications and cybersecurity

• Telecommunications and cybersecurity requirements between wind and solar generators to the utility



Current working groups relating to solar PV and wind


To follow is our current working groups presented by our Study Committee structure. Working groups culminate with the production of a report, called a Technical Brochure.


Group A – Equipment


A1  Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion


JWG A1/C4.52: Wind generators and frequency-active power control of power systems


A2  Power transformers and reactors 


WG A2.68 Failure survey of lower voltage generator step up transformers installed in wind farms and photovoltaic parks 


Group B – Technologies


B1  Insulated cables

WG B1.67 Loading pattern on cables connected to windfarms

WG B1.83 Grounding of long HVDC land cable connections

WG B1.91 Calculations of cyclic current rating


B3  Substations and electrical installations


WG B3.69 Process Requirements for Commissioning and Inspection of Air Insulated Substations (AIS) and Gas Insulated Substations (GIS)


WG B3.68 Experience of Offshore Substation (OSS) operation and maintenance


B4  DC systems and power electronics


WG B4.102 Technical requirements and scenario considerations on grid-forming capabilities of VSC-HVDC systems


B5  Protection and automation


WG B5.65 Enhancing Protection System Performance by Optimising the Response of Inverter-Based Sources

JWG B5/C4.79 Protection Roadmap for Low Inertia and Low Fault Current Networks

JWG B5/C4.61 Impact of Low Inertia Network on Protection and Control

WG B5.78 New requirements of network protection and control for renewable energy integration


Group C – Systems


C1  Power system development and economics


WG C1/C4.36  Large city & metropolitan area power system development trends, taking into account new generation, grid and information technologies

WG C1/C6.42  Planning tools and methods for systems facing high levels of distributed energy resources

WG C1.49 (to be started) Off shore grids


C2  Power system operation and control

JWG C2/B4.43 The impact of offshore wind power hybrid AC/DC connections on system operations and system design


C3  Power system sustainability and environmental performance


WG C3-17 Interactions between wildlife and emerging renewable energy sources and submarine cables


C4  Power system technical performance


WG C4.44 EMC for Large Photovoltaic Systems

WG C4.54 Protection of high voltage power network control electronics from the High-altitude Electromagnetic pulse (HEMP)

WG C4.36 Winter Lightning – Parameters and Engineering Consequences for Wind Turbines

WG C4.65 Specification, Validation and Application of Harmonic Models of Inverter Based Resources

WG A1/C4.52 Wind generators and frequency-active power control of power systems

WG B4/C4.93 Development of Grid Forming Converters for Secure and Reliable Operation of Future Electricity Systems

WG C4.60 Generic EMT-Type Modelling of Inverter-Based Resources for Long Term Planning Studies


WG C4.77 Best practices for individual and collective conformity assessment of inverter-based resources during their lifetime


C5  Electricity markets and regulation


WG C5-39 Regulatory frameworks and market integration for assets under non-firm grid connection


C6  Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources


WG C6.44 Nodal Value of Distributed Renewable Energy Generation



Group D – New Materials and IT


D1  Materials and emerging test techniques


WG D1.74 PD measurement on insulation systems stressed from HV power electronics


D2 Information systems, telecommunications and cybersecurity

WG D2.54 Regulatory approaches to enhance EPU's cybersecurity frameworks



Technical Brochures already published relating to solar PV and wind


Working groups culminate with the production of a report, called a Technical Brochure (TB), reflecting the state of the art, listing best practices, or proposing recommendations for standardisation. To follow is a list of the current TBs relating to solar PV and wind grouped by Study Committee.


Group A – Equipment


A3  Transmission and distribution equipment

TB 816 Substation equipment overstress management

TB 716 System conditions for and probability of out-of-phase



Group B – Technologies


B1  Insulated cables


TB 852 Recommendations for testing DC extruded cable systems for power transmission at a rated voltage up to and including 800 kV


TB 853 Recommendations for testing DC lapped cable systems for power transmission at a rated voltage up to and including 800 kV

TB 862 Testing of dynamic submarine cables

TB 883 Installation of submarine cables

TB 889 Installation of land cables


TB 908 Losses in Armoured Three Core Power Cables


B3  Substations and electrical installations


TB 612 Special considerations for AC collector systems and substations associated with HVDC- connected wind power plants


B5  Protection and automation

TB 896 Protection for developing network with limited fault current capability of generation

TB 711 Control and automation systems for Electricity Distribution Networks (EDN) of the future



Group C – Systems


C1  Power system development and economics


TB 775  Global Electricity Network – feasibility study

TB 666  Technical risks and solutions form periodic, large surpluses or deficits of available RES 


C2  Power system operation and control


TB 821 (C2/B4) Capabilities and requirements definition for power electronics based technology for secure and efficient system operation and control

TB 851 (C2/C4) Impact of High Penetration of Inverter-based Generation on System Inertia of networks


TB 911 Power system restoration accounting for a rapidly changing power system and generation mix


TB 925 Operator Training in Electricity Grids at Different Control Levels and for Different Participants/Actors in the New Environment


C4  Power system technical performance


TB 672 Power quality aspects of solar power

TB 707 EMC in wind energy systems

TB 851 Impact of High Penetration of Inverter-based Generation on System Inertia of networks

TB 727 Modelling of inverter-based generation for power system dynamic studies


C5  Electricity markets and regulation


TB 808 Market Design for Short-term Flexibility


C6  Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources


TB 672  Power quality aspects of solar power

TB 726  Asset Management for Distribution Networks with high penetration of Distributed Energy Resources








Energy transition hot topics

Grids and Flexibility
Sustainability and
Consumers, Prosumers
and Electric Vehicles
Sector Integration

CIGRE's end to end domains of work

View CIGRE's 16 Committees and summaries of their scope