Knowledge Programme > Grids and Flexibility


CIGRE is a world leader, we offer a scope of work covering the end to end power system. With over 4000 experts collaborating in our knowledge development programme, our electricity work on the energy transition is as global as it is comprehensive.


A key part of this work is around grids and microgrids integration and is enabled by our international study committees and working groups.


These groups involve experts from all over the world and the work they produce is renowned as a practical, world class, technical resource.

Information on CIGRE’s technical work and resources on grids and microgrids integration follows:






CIGRE’s scope of work on grids and flexibility


To follow is a list of the areas of scope relating to grids and microgrids integration grouped by each of our relevant global Study Committees.


Group A – Equipment


SC A1  Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion

• Equipment used in the generation of power for grids and microgrids, e.g. ships, aircraft & industrial plant

• High speed electrical machines

• Impact of variable frequency drives on motor design & performance


SC A3  Transmission and distribution equipment

• New T&D equipment and sensors technology to support microgrid integration


Group B – Technologies


B1  Insulated cables

• Microgrids will rely heavily on cables for DER usage


SC B4  DC systems and power electronics

• DC systems and PE devices for the grids and microgrid integration


SC B5  Protection and automation

• Protection, Sensoring and Automation for microgrid integration


Group C - Systems


SC C3  Power system sustainability and environmental performance

• Role of the power system regarding SDGs (i.e.. Rural electrification)


SC C4  Power system technical performance

• Insulation coordination and Dynamic analysis


SC C6  Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources

• Rural Electrification


SC D2  Information systems, telecommunications and cybersecurity

• Edge computing and data storage for a potentially islanded microgrid systems with independent operation from the grid



Current working groups relating to grids and flexibility


To follow is our current working groups presented by our Study Committee structure. Working groups culminate with the production of a report, called a Technical Brochure.



Group A – Equipment


A2  Power transformers and reactors 


JWG A2/C4/D1.77 Design of transformers for very fast transient overvoltages


A3  Transmission and distribution equipment


WG A3.45 Methods for identification of frequency response characteristic of voltage measurement systems

Group B – Technologies


B1  Insulated cables


WG B1.82 MV DC systems requirements


WG B1.95 Mechanical performance and limits of submarine power cable systems


WG B1.92 Qualification of lead-free submarine cables at Um between 72.5kV and 170 kV


B2  Overhead lines


WG B2.94 Inspection after installation, maintenance and end of life of high temperature conductors and fittings


WG B2.95 Impact of extreme weather events under climate change on high voltage overhead line design standards


WG B2.92 Update on overhead transmission lines construction methodologies


WG B2/B1.90 Transition facilities between overhead and underground lines


WG B2.93 Artificial intelligence (AI) augmented image-based transmission line inspection and condition assessment


B3  Substations and electrical installations


WG B3.69 Process Requirements for Commissioning and Inspection of Air Insulated Substations (AIS) and Gas Insulated Substations (GIS)


WG B3.68 Experience of Offshore Substation (OSS) operation and maintenance


WG B3/A2/A3/C3/D1.66 Guidelines for life cycle assessment in substations considering the carbon footprint evaluation


JWG B3/A3.67 Operational safety of Medium Voltage GIS in case of abnormal leakage


B4  DC systems and power electronics


WG B4.91 Power-electronics-based transformer technology, design, grid integration and services provision to the distribution grid

WG B4/A3.86 Fault limiting technologies for DC grid


WG B4.104 HVDC Digital Twin – concepts and roadmap


JWG B4/C4.103 AC network equivalents for HVDC and FACTS project studies


WG B4.102 Technical requirements and scenario considerations on grid-forming capabilities of VSC-HVDC systems


WG B4.79 Hybrid LCC/VSC HVDC Systems


B5  Protection and automation


WG B5.86 PACS interfaced asset management and condition monitoring using innovative technologies


WG B5.85 Protection, control and supervision principles of “grid stabilizing generation” 


WG B5.84 Recommendations and constraints for development and interfacing of virtual IEDs implemented in PACS


Group C – Systems


C1  Power system development and economics


WG C1.40 Planning coordination TSO-DSO

WG C1.47  Energy Sectors Integration, and system impact


WG C1.41 Closing the gap in understanding between stakeholders and electrical energy specialists


WG C1.23 Transmission investment decision points and trees


WG C1.33 Interface and allocation issues in multi-party and/or cross-jurisdiction power infrastructures projects


WG C1/C6.42 Planning tools and methods for systems facing high levels of distributed energy resources


WG C1.54 Assessment of system reserves and flexibility needs in the power systems of the future


JWG C1/C5.53 Forecasting of demand combined with DER penetration driven by consumer behaviour and regulatory schemes influenced by market signals


WG C1.52 Virtual Power Plants role and deployment in large power systems operation and planning


C2  Power system operation and control


JWG C2/B5.46 System Integrity Protection Schemes and the (N-1) criteria


C4  Power system technical performance


WG C4.77 Best practices for individual and collective conformity assessment of inverter-based resources during their lifetimeTOR


C5  Electricity markets and regulation


JWG C5/C6.29  New Electricity Markets, Local Energy Communities


WG C5.39 Regulatory frameworks and market integration for assets under non-firm grid connection


C6  Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources


WG C6.45  The Impact of DER on the Resilience of Distribution Networks


Group D – New Materials and IT


D2  Information systems telecommunications and cybersecurity


WG D2.62 Efficient spectrum allocation and utilisation for electric power industry private communication networks


WG D2.60 Consumer-side digital models and twins application


WG D2.61 High Voltage Power Line Carrier Communications Current State and Future Application



Technical Brochures already published relating to grids and flexibility


Working groups culminate with the production of a report, called a Technical Brochure (TB), reflecting the state of the art, listing best practices, or proposing recommendations for standardisation. To follow is a list of the current TBs relating to grids and microgrids integration grouped by Study Committee.



Group A – Equipment


A1  Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion


TB 743 Guide on New Generator Grid Interaction Requirement


A3  Transmission and distribution equipment


TB 716 System conditions for and probability of out-of-phase


Group B – Technologies


B4  DC systems and power electronics


TB 875 Medium voltage DC Distribution Systems

TB 867 Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) controllers, commissioning, compliance testing and model validation tests

TB 827 DC-DC converters in HVDC grids and for connections to HVDC systems


TB 934 Interaction between nearby VSC-HVDC converters, FACTs devices, HV power electronic devices and conventional AC equipment



Group C – Systems


C1  Power system development and economics


TB 938 Global interconnected and sustainable electricity system: Effects of storage, demand response and trading rules


TB 951 Optimising power system resilience in future grid design

TB 848 Planning coordination TSO-DSO

TB 863 Multi-energy System Interactions in Distribution Grids


TB 922 Review of large city & metropolitan area power system development trends taking into account new generation, grid and information technologies


TB 923 Optimal transmission and distribution investment decisions under increasing energy scenario uncertainty


C2  Power system operation and control

TB 845  TSO-DSO Co-Operation Control Centre Tools Requirements


C6  Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources


TB 635 Microgrids 1 Engineering, Economics, & Experience

TB 826 Hybrid systems for off-grid supplies

TB 835 Rural Electrification



Group D – New Materials and IT


D2  Information systems, telecommunications and cybersecurity


TB 866  Enabling Software Defined Network for Electric Power Utilities


TB 796  Future cybersecurity threats and impact on EPU organisation and operation


TB 936 Enhanced information and data exchange to enable future transmission and distribution interoperability





Energy transition hot topics

Sustainability and
Solar PV and Wind
Consumers, Prosumers
and Electric Vehicles
Sector Integration

CIGRE's end to end domains of work

View CIGRE's 16 Committees and summaries of their scope