Knowledge Programme > Digitalisation


CIGRE is a world leader, we offer a scope of work covering the end to end power system. With over 4000 experts collaborating in our knowledge development programme, our electricity work on the energy transition is as global as it is comprehensive.


A key part of this work is around digitalisation and is enabled by our international study committees and working groups.


These groups involve experts from all over the world and the work they produce is renowned as a practical, world class, technical resource.


Information on CIGRE’s technical work and resources on digitalisation follows:






CIGRE’s scope of work on digitalisation


To follow is a list of the areas of scope relating to sector integration grouped by each of our relevant global Study Committees


SC A1 Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion

•  Improved monitoring, AI and diagnostics of electrical machines and associated equipment

•  Application of AI techniques for electrical machine diagnostics

•  Impact of variable frequency drives on motor design & performance


SC A2 Power Transformers and Reactors

•  Digitalization in transformers and reactors


SC B1 Insulated cables

•  Inverter based storage

•  Digital twins of cable systems will allow for more dynamic load transfer.

•  Increased sensor systems will reduce outages by focus on predictive maintenance.

•  More automated supervision systems of cable tunnels/stations.


SC B2 Overhead lines

•  Digital tools for diagnosis and monitoring


SC B3 Substations and electrical installations

•  Integration of intelligence for substation Digitalization, including new digital technologies


SC B4 DC systems and power electronics

•  Digitalization of DC systems and PE


SC B5 Protection and automation

•  Digitalization of protection systems and substation automation and control architecture systems
•  IEC 61850 based data modelling, protection, automation and control configuration and engineering


SC C1 Power system development and economics

•  Digital applications for distribution / transmission / generation borders.


SC C2: Power system operation and control

•  Demand response, integration of MMDG, flexibility, AI new applications.


SC C4 Power system technical performance

• Modelling and Dynamic Analysis of grid-following and grid-forming converters
• Offshore wind and energy islands performance
• Lightning protection of PV systems and wind farms


SC C5 Electricity markets and regulation

• Integration of new digital approaches


SC C6 Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources

• Smart Grid / Cities
• Distribution Systems Modernisation
• TSO/ DSO/ Customer interfaces


SC D1: Materials and emerging test techniques

• Digital tools for diagnosis and monitoring


SC D2: Information systems, telecommunications and cybersecurity

• Machine learning algorithms to improve asset lifecycle management.
• Use of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance cybersecuritry posture of critical systems.


Current working groups relating to digitalisation


To follow is our current working groups presented by our Study Committee structure. Working groups culminate with the production of a report, called a Technical Brochure.


Group A Equipment


A1 Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion


WG A1.61: Survey of Partial Discharge Monitoring in Large Motors


A2 Power transformers and reactors 


WG A2/D2.65 Transformer Digital Twin – concept and future perspectives

WG A2/D1.67 Guidelines for DGA Monitoring


A3  Transmission and distribution equipment


WG A3.43 Tools for lifecycle management of T&D switchgear based on data from condition monitoring systems


Group B Technologies


B1 Insulated cables


WG B1.87 Final Element analysis for cable rating calculations

WG B1.93 Robotic supervision of cable tunnels


B2 Overhead lines

WG B2.79 Enhancing overhead line rating prediction by improving weather parameters measurements

WG B2/D2.72  Condition monitoring and remote sensing of overhead lines 


B3 Substations and electrical installations


WG B3.56 Application of 3D Technologies in Substation Engineering Works

WG B3/D2.62 Life-long Supervision and Management of Substations by use of Sensors, Mobile Devices, Information and Communication Technologie


B5 Protection and automation

WG B5.77 Requirements for Information Technologies (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) managed of Protection, Automation and Control Systems (PACS).



Group C Systems


C1 Power system development and economics


WG C1.43 Defining a typical set of requirements for Asset Analytics data platforms and tools aimed at supporting Asset Management decision making processes.

WG B2/C1.86  Approach for Asset Management of Overhead Transmission Lines.


C2 Power system operation and control

WG C2.42 The impact of the growing use of machine learning/Artificial Intelligence in the operation and control of Power Networks from an Operational perspective.


C4 Power system development and economics

WG C4.61  Lightning transient sensing, monitoring and application in power systems.

WG C4.70  Application of space-based lightning detection in power systems.

WG C4/C2.62/IEEE Review of Phasor Measurement Unit Applications.

WG C4.64  Application of Real-Time Digital Simulation in Power Systems.


C6 Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources


WG C6.39 Customer Empowerment.

WG C6.47 DSO - Customer interfaces for efficient system operations.



Group D New Materials and IT


D2 Information systems, telecommunications and cybersecurity


WG D2.52 AI Application and Technology on the Power Industry.


WG D2.55 Application of 5G Technology to Smart Grids.


WG D2.56 Interdependence and Security of Cyber-physical Power System.


WG D2.57 CIM Common Information Model Methodology


JWG A2/D2.65 Transformer Digital Twin.


JWG B2/D2.72 Condition monitoring and remote sensing of overhead lines.


WG D2.51 Implementation of Security Operation Centers in Electric Power Industry.


Technical Brochures already published relating to digitalisation


Working groups culminate with the production of a report, called a Technical Brochure (TB), reflecting the state of the art, listing best practices, or proposing recommendations for standardisation. To follow is a list of the current TBs relating to digitalisation grouped by Study Committee.


Group A Equipment


A1 Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion


TB 682 Survey on Hydro Generator Instrumentation and Monitoring


A2 Power transformers and reactors 


TB630 Guide on Transformer Intelligent Condition Monitoring



Group B Technologies


B1 Insulated cables

TB 756 Thermal monitoring of cable circuits and use of Dynamic Rating systems.


B2 Overhead lines

TB 498 Guide for application of direct real-time monitoring systems

TB 601 Guide for thermal rating calculations of overhead lines


B3 Substations and electrical installations


TB 764 Expected impact on substation management from future grids

TB 807 Application of robotics in substations

TB 814 LPIT applications in HV Gas Insulated Switchgear


B4 DC systems and power electronics


TB739 Protection and local control of HVDC-grids


B5 Protection and automation

TB 891 Protection, Automation and Control Architectures with Functionality Independent of Hardware

TB 790 Cybersecurity requirements for PACS and the resilience of PAC architectures



Group C Systems


C2 Power system operation and control


TB 917 Wide Area Monitoring Protection and Control Systems – Decision Support for System Operators.


C4 Power system development and economics

TB 702 Application of phasor measurement units for monitoring power system dynamic performance


C5 Electricity markets and regulation


TB 824 The role of Blockchain in Electricity Markets

TB 893 Trading Electricity with Blockchain systems



Group D New Materials and IT


D1 Materials and emerging test techniques


TB 783 DGA monitoring systems


D2 Information systems, telecommunications and cybersecurity


TB 884Time in Communication Networks, Protection and Control Applications


TB 840Electric Power Utilities' Cybersecurity for Contingency Operations





Energy transition hot topics

Grids and Flexibility
Sustainability and
Solar PV and Wind
Consumers, Prosumers
and Electric Vehicles
Sector Integration

CIGRE's end to end domains of work

View CIGRE's 16 Committees and summaries of their scope