Knowledge Programme > Consumers, Prosumers and Electric Vehicles


CIGRE is a world leader, we offer a scope of work covering the end to end power system. With over 4000 experts collaborating in our knowledge development programme, our electricity work on the energy transition is as global as it is comprehensive.


A key part of this work is around consumers, prosumers and electric vehicles and is enabled by our international study committees and working groups.


These groups involve experts from all over the world and the work they produce is renowned as a practical, world class, technical resource.

Information on CIGRE’s technical work and resources on consumers, prosumers and electric vehicles follows:






CIGRE’s scope of work on consumers, prosumers and electric vehicles


To follow is a list of the areas of scope relating to consumers, prosumers and electric vehicles grouped by each of our relevant global Study Committees.



SC A1  Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion

• Invertor/converter and Motors for industrial applications

• Invertor/converter used for generator & motor applications

• Design & performance of invertor connected to rotating electrical machines


SC A2  Power transformers and reactors

• Solid State Transformers for charging stations


SC A3  Transmission and distribution equipment

• New technologies to support EV


SC B3  Substations and electrical installations

• New substation design concepts and new functions


SC B4  DC systems and power electronics

• VSC DC systems at Low Voltage


SC C1  Power system development and economics

• Demand response aspects


SC C2  Power system operation and control

• Demand response, unobservable wind and solar generation


SC C4  Power system technical performance

• Model aggregation


SC C5  Electricity markets and regulation

• Flexible demand and distributed energy resources: market integration and access regulation


SC C6  Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources

• Charging infrastructure
• V2G and G2V
• Aggregators ,Virtual Power Plants
• Energy Efficiency
• Customer Empowerment


SC D2  Information systems, telecommunications and cybersecurity

• Reliability, scalability and security information flow from rooftop solar systems and EVs to the utility
• Scalability in the processing of big data sets from consumer-side distributed systems with scalable systems such as cloud computing
• Data privacy issues when collecting and exchanging data with consumers and prosumers from small scale generation systems


Current working groups relating to consumers, prosumers and electric vehicles


To follow is our current working groups presented by our Study Committee structure. Working groups culminate with the production of a report, called a Technical Brochure.


Group A – Equipment


A1  Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion


WG A1.45 Guide for Determining the Health Index of Large Electric Motors

WG A1.58 Selection of Copper Versus Aluminium Rotors for Induction Motors

WG A1.74 Evaluating quality of electric motors

WG A1.77 Survey on Insulation Reliability of Induction and Synchronous Motors 



Group B – Technologies


B2  Overhead lines


WG B2.78 Use of high temperature conductors in new overhead line design

WG B2.79 Enhancing overhead line rating prediction by improving weather parameters measurements


WG B4  DC systems and power electronics


WG B4C4.93 Development of Grid Forming Converters for Secure and Reliable Operation of Future Electricity Systems

WG B4.92 STATCOMs at Distribution Voltages

WG B4.87 Voltage Source Converters (VSC) HVDC responses to disturbances and faults in AC systems which have low synchronous generation



Group C – Systems


C1  Power system development and economics

WG C1/C4.36  Large city & metropolitan area power system development trends, taking into account new generation, grid and information technologies

WG C1/C6.42  Planning tools and methods for systems facing high levels of distributed energy resources


C3  Power system sustainability and environmental performance


WG C3-12 Managing GHG emissions of T&D activities. Accounting, reducing & reporting progress

WG C3-20 Sustainable Development Goals in the electric power sector


C4  Power system technical performance

WG C4.42/CIRED Continuous assessment of low-order harmonic emissions from customer installations

WG C4.40/ IEC CIRED Revisions to IEC Technical Reports 61000-3-6, 61000-3-7, 61000-3-13, and 61000-3-14

WG C4.63 Harmonic power quality standards and compliance verification


C5  Electricity markets and regulation


WG C5.34  Market integration of EVs

WG C5.31 Wholesale and Retail electricity cost impacts of flexible demand response


C6  Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources

WG C6.39  Customer Empowerment

WG C6.40  Electric Vehicles as Distributed Energy Resource (DER) systems

WG C6.46  Energy Efficiency in Distribution Networks

WG C6.47  DSO-customer interfaces for efficient system operations



Group D – New Materials and IT


D2  Information systems, telecommunications and cybersecurity





Technical Brochures already published relating to consumers, prosumers and electric vehicles


Working groups culminate with the production of a report, called a Technical Brochure (TB), reflecting the state of the art, listing best practices, or proposing recommendations for standardisation. To follow is a list of the current TBs relating to consumers, prosumers and electric vehicles grouped by Study Committee.


Group A – Equipment


A1  Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion


TB 890 Impact of Cycling on Large Electrical Motors


A3  Transmission and distribution equipment

TB 716 System conditions for and probability of out-of-phase


Group B – Technologies


B4  DC systems and power electronics

TB 699 Control methodologies for direct voltage and power flow in a meshed HVDC grid



Group C – Systems


C4  Power system technical performance


TB 718 Benchmarking of power quality performance in transmission systems

TB 656 Review of LV and MV compatibility levels for voltage fluctuations


C5  Electricity markets and regulation


TB 874 Auction Markets and Other Procurement Mechanisms for Demand Response Services

TB 747 Costs of electric service, allocation methods, and residential rate trends



Group D – New Materials and IT


D2  Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion


TB 892  Impact of governance, regulations and constraints on EPU sensitive data distribution and location of data storage


TB 929 Advanced consumer-side energy resource management systems




Energy transition hot topics

Grids and Flexibility
Sustainability and
Solar PV and Wind
Sector Integration

CIGRE's end to end domains of work

View CIGRE's 16 Committees and summaries of their scope