The grid of the future is end-to-end
Network and market complexities have grown to touch all aspects of the grid ? from the decentralised (consumers, distributed resources, micro-grids, aggregators and other third parties) to the traditionally centralised (utilities, markets, central station power resources, and transmission operators).
The Grid of the Future concept evolved to an E2E grid discussion in a thriving annual conference of nearly 300 people, with keynotes, panels, and 100 or so technical papers (available to CIGRE members in e-CIGRE). The USNC trade-marked ‘Grid of the Future’ to continue to provide thought leadership in the United States, enabled by the CIGRE brand ‘for power system expertise’. Grid of the future was also expanded to provide a forum for Women in Engineering and provide continuous education credits for CIGRE members through tutorials.
With CIGRE’s global benchmarking and the CIGRE USNC Grid of the Future conference touching the E2E grid, our members and prospective members have a venue to advance their company’s future and their professional development. Ultimately, CIGRE enables a public service with a future grid that is foundational to national economies and the betterment of society.