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Technical Council Award

Technical Council Award recipients


List of recipients since 1993 




Study Committee

Recipient's name


A1  Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion Thomas HILDINGER BR
A2  Power transformers and reactors  Bjørn GUSTAVSEN NO
A3  Transmission and distribution equipment Tadao  MINAGAWA JP
B1  Insulated cables Roland DONGPING ZHANG DE
B2  Overhead lines Kjell HALSAN NO
B3  Substations and electrical installations Hugh CUNNINGHAM IE
B4  DC systems and power electronics Antonio Ricardo DE MATTOS TENORIO BR
B5  Protection and automation Bogdan KASZTENNY CA
C1  Power system development and economics JANA BREEDT ZA
C2  Power system operation and control Flávio ALVES BR
C3  Power system sustainability and environmental performance Ales KREGAR SI
C4  Power system technical performance Babak BADRZADEH AU
C5  Electricity markets and regulation Greg THORPE AU
C6  Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources RAY BROWN AU
D1  Materials and emerging test techniques Fabio SCATIGGIO IT
D2  Information systems telecommunications and cybersecurity Joël NOUARD FR