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Shunt Reactor Switching: Theory and Practice

Shunt Reactor Switching: Theory and PracticeTue, Feb 9, 2021 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM CET


Shunt reactor switching is a unique and onerous duty for circuit breakers involving a complex interaction between the characteristics of the circuit breaker by type, gas or vacuum, and by way of its current chopping capability, arc voltage and arcing time and the reactor load circuit as represented by its inductance, effective capacitance and reactor grounding arrangement. The webinar explains the interaction in detail in and the derivation of a generalized circuit breaker TRV equation which can be used for any shunt reactor application. Five reactor applications will be considered using Excel to demonstrate the calculation method.


This webina, presented by David Peelo, will cover the original Cigre material and the later updating through the SC 17A including the latest ongoing revision.


The registration to this webinar is free for all, CIGRE members and non-members.


Technical Brochures can be freely downloaded by CIGRE members. If you are not a CIGRE member, join us on https://www.cigre.org/GB/join/how-to-join.


To register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9209227231711078928