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Papers and proceedings



A range of highly valuable materials
are created each year by the events of CIGRE’s
global knowledge programme


These include :

  • Paris Session papers and proceedings
  • Papers produced by CIGRE Technical Working Groups
  • Symposia papers and proceedings
  • Colloquia papers


Paris Session papers and proceedings:


The main outputs of the Paris Session are papers and proceedings, which encompass:

  • The papers themselves
  • Posters – visual summaries of the papers
  • 16 general reports synthesising key discussions and findings 
  • 16 collections of contributions. Some 50 or 60 three to five minute presentations make up each contribution


Special reports and post Session follow-up documents.


Being based on the most recent, cutting edge information and ideas generated in each Session makes papers and proceedings extremely valuable. Papers and proceedings become available very quickly because they are used to inform decisions about what work will be undertaken in the next two years between Paris Sessions. After the Paris Session, papers and proceedings are made available for purchase on eCIGRE. Delegates can access this material after the Session for free and members after three months also have free access

View the 800+ papers and proceeding from the 2022 Session here  and from the 2024 Session here.



Symposia papers and proceedings


Like the Paris Session, Symposia focus on papers and generate highly valuable proceedings. To date 44 Symposia have been held, each examining between 30 and 90 papers, available here


Colloquia papers


Hundreds of Colloquia have run to date, producing 9000 or more references. While Colloquia papers undergo a less rigorous review than those at the Paris Session and Symposia, there is still demand for access to them via this link on eCIGRE