Obituary Dr. Mitek Glinkowski
It is with deep sadness to inform you that Mietek Glinkowski has passed away at the age of 62 years.
Dr. Mietek Glinkowski has held advanced degrees from Poznan Polytechnic, Poland (cum laude) and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. Dr. Glinkowski was a Fulbright Scholar and a professor of Electric Power Engineering at RPI. After joining ABB in 1997 he has held a variety of positions including a Director of Technology for Power Products and Global Head of Technology for ABB Data Centers. After ABB he joined Schneider where he was a Global Vice president of Engineering for North America.
He was also a Member of IEEE, Switchgear Committee, NY Academy of Sciences, Sigma Xi Research Society, SEP (Society of Engineers in Poland), CIGRE, the Current Zero Club, and E-merge alliance. He was a registered Professional Engineer in the state of New York and US National Representative to CIGRE A3- High Voltage Equipment. He held 7 US Patents and authored over 50 technical papers. He often spoke – and with great passion - on subjects of power systems, renewable energy integration, distribution automation, power infrastructure, data centers, and industry standards. He received an IEEE Outstanding Engineer of the Year Award of the North Carolina Chapter in 2002 and the Attwood Associate award from CIGRE National Committee in 2012.
He enjoyed very much classical music, jazz and playing violin.
SC A3 will keep the fondest memories of him. Let our thoughts and prayers go to his family.
In December, 2019
Nenad Uzelac
Chairman of CIGRE SC A3