New CIGRE membership mirrors the merging of transmission and distribution
CIGRE’s scope is end to end, spanning all aspects of the power system as it constantly evolves. The enhancement of coordination and exchanges between Distribution and Transmission networks will improve the service provided to consumers in terms of better planning, modelling, forecasting and real time operation. As testimony to this, the following paper was presented during the 2018 Paris session.
TSO DSO data exchange: The ongoing French Project between RTE (TSO) and Enedis (DSO) ref C2-209
This project encompasses the evolution of energetic context (Distributed Energy Resources integration, consumption habits change, market design evolution), evolving regulation (European Grid Code, French ‘Energy Transition Law’) and upcoming smart-grids.
To successfully carryout their roles requires the utmost coordination between TSO and DSO.
In this context, in 2014 RTE (French TSO) and Enedis (the main French DSO) launched a Working Group to identify which new data exchanges were deemed necessary to tackle new challenges and to define the relevant IT/OT tools.
These new data exchanges aimed at addressing common TSO-DSO issues:
- To strengthen TSO-DSO network operations:
- Operational planning.
- Real time safety management and network security coordination.
- To comply with the European Grid Code requirements, especially:
- Real time observability.
- Scheduled data (consumption and Distributed Energy Resources).
The ongoing studies scrutinise the operational planning and detailed coordination needs, subsequent data exchanges starting at the works planning phase one or two years in advance, continuing with anticipated operational constraints exchanges 1-2 months in advance, and finishing with day-ahead and intra-day necessary data exchanges.
New real-time and forecasting data will be exchanged between both companies to help expand the TSO observability zone to the HV/MV transformer of the source substation and model the uses of the Public Distribution Grid by distinguishing between consumption, generation by sector and compensation means.