Modelling of inverter-based generation for power system dynamic studies
Thu, Apr 4, 2019 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CEST
Any power system model has its limitations and the type of the model to be selected and implemented for study purposes can vary depending on the type of system dynamics/ phenomena to be studied. The published technical brochure TB727 provides guidance on inverter-based generator models (with the focus on PhotoVoltaics) with associated functions that should be used for specific phenomena such as frequency deviation, large voltage deviation, and long-term voltage deviation. This guideline helps to reduce the computational burden when performing simulations as well as to represent a more accurate power system dynamic behaviour with inverter-based generators following faults.
This webinar is presented by Koji Yamashita, co-covener of CIGRE JWG* C4/C6.35/CIRED, "Modelling and dynamic performance of inverter based generation in power system transmission and distribution studies", that published Technical Brochure 727 (available from, in August 2018.
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