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Leadership Circle November 2022

Leadership Circle edition 13

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Leadership Circle November 2022

November 2022   



By Michel Augonnet, President of CIGRE


Dear Colleagues,


I was very happy to have met so many of you at Paris’ Palais des Congrès in August. The 2022 CIGRE Paris Session was very successful with 3,700 delegates attending (very close to 2018’s record year at 3,800).


As a follow-up to the Paris Session please find the enclosed articles to keep you up-to-date on our energy industry:


  • An article by Dr Arshad Mansoor, CEO, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) who was the Paris CIGRE Opening Session Keynote speaker, as well as a very active moderator of our CEO event. 'A Climate Ready Power System: Reliable, Resilient and Affordable Decarbonization' this article emphasizes the importance of reliability and affordability as we continue to move toward to a net-zero society.


  • An article by  Adam Middleton (CIGRE UK) with valued contributions by Prof Ray Zhang (CIGRE UK), Prof Keith Bell (CIGRE UK), Peter Weinreich-Jensen (CIGRE DK), Prof Dennis Sherwood & Onyeche Tifasi 'Energy transition: provoking collaboration across the energy industry'
  • In an article by Thomas Laursen, the question is “Would a working model with long-range strategic planning actually be the most practical way to address the ‘HOW’ of decarbonization?” 'Energy islands in Denmark'. Danish politicians are pioneering the concept of ‘energy islands’ with the agreement to build two energy islands in Danish waters around 2030.The goal is to effectively and cost-effectively harvest the amount of energy needed from areas very far out at sea in an effort to decarbonizing all the uses of energy in Europe.


  • An article by Alexandra Armeni, Dr. Mathias Hoffmann, Dr. Friedrich Kunz, Dr. Christoph Neumann, Dr. Fabian Ocker - TenneT TSO GmbH, Bayreuth, Germany, Dr. Mana Farrokhseresht, Ruud Otter, Ruud Vrolijk- TenneT TSO B.V., Arnhem, The Netherlands. 'TenneT's vision on a future-proof electricity market design'.This article summarizes the key design elements for a future-proof and robust electricity market design based on recent economic research and in-depth analysis of market design options based on four main criteria: affordability, sustainability, security of supply, and social acceptance.


I hope you find these articles of interest in these times when energy cost and availability is at the heart of many discussions and concerns.


A Climate Ready Power System: Reliable, Resilient and Affordable Decarbonization

by Dr Arshad Mansoor, CEO, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)


The electric power system is the tip of the spear for reducing greenhouse gas emissions across economic sectors. Clean power is fueling the decarbonization of transportation, buildings and industry as power companies move rapidly toward reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. As electricity delivers more of the energy that society requires, the importance of a clean, resilient, and reliable power system—one that’s climate ready—becomes more important than ever.

Leadership Circle November 2022
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Energy islands in Denmark

by Thomas Laursen

Leadership Circle November 2022

Danish politicians are pioneering the concept of energy islands with the agreement to erect two energy islands in Danish waters around 2030. One will be placed in the North Sea as an artificial island and one in the Baltic Sea at the Danish island Born-holm.

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Energy transition: provoking collaboration across the energy industry

by Adam Middleton (CIGRE UK) with valued contributions by Prof Ray Zhang (CIGRE UK), Prof Keith Bell (CIGRE UK), Peter Weinreich-Jensen (CIGRE DK), Prof Dennis Sherwood & Onyeche Tifasi

Leadership Circle November 2022

CIGRE Session Paris 2022 has been a watershed for the energy industry, for CIGRE and for individuals, as we come to terms with the passage through COVID-19 pandemic, the new reality of energy security and the greatest challenge of decarbonization of our energy system.
This article looks to evaluate how CIGRE can play a pivotal role in the HOW of the energy transition. Specifically in the capacity and capability development of a much more diverse pool of talent working in our energy industry and in actively supporting a more transparent and collaborative approach to delivering the necessary energy transition.

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Cornerstones of a target market model: TenneT's vision on a future-proof electricity market design

by Alexandra Armeni, Dr. Mathias Hoffmann, Dr. Friedrich Kunz, Dr. Christoph Neumann, Dr. Fabian Ocker - TenneT TSO GmbH, Bayreuth, Germany
Dr. Mana Farrokhseresht, Ruud Otter, Ruud Vrolijk - TenneT TSO B.V., Arnhem, The Netherlands

Leadership Circle November 2022

Electricity systems are at the heart of the energy transition. On the one hand, most renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, enter the energy system via the electricity system and will increase the weather dependency of the whole system. On the other hand, future energy needs, such as electric mobility, heating via heat pumps and industrial processes, are predominantly demanding electrical energy. Consequently, the complexity and dynamics of planning and operating the electricity system increase significantly. These developments are driven by the European ambition to become carbon-neutral by 2050 as laid down in the EU Green Deal.

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Leadership Circle November 2022
Leadership Circle November 2022
Leadership Circle November 2022