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ISO 55001 Asset Management Implementation Guidelines and Case Studies

ISO 55001 Asset Management Implementation Guidelines and Case StudiesThu, Jun 13, 2019 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CEST


CIGRE WG C1.34 has developed between late 2015 and early 2019 a high level guideline as to what documentation, products and processes pertaining to Asset Management (AM) are required in order to streamline the ISO 55000 certification process for electric utilities. The WG built on findings and recommendations from WGs C1.1, C1.16 and C1.25 and provided a forum where participating utilities compared their level of AM maturity in case studies and a self-assessment survey. The webinar will provide an overview of AM principles, important examples of implementation guidelines for some of ISO 55001' 71 "shall" statements, and insights from the self-assessment survey (50+ utilities) and the 4 case studies.


This webinar is presented by Boudewijn NEIJENS, Convener of CIGRE Working Group C1.34, "ISO Series 55000 Standards: General Process Assessment Steps and Information Requirements for Utilities". The publication of the Technical Brochure (available from www.e-cigre.org), is expected by second semester 2019.


The registration to this webinar is free for all, CIGRE members and non-members.


Technical Brochures can be downloaded for free by CIGRE members. If you are not a CIGRE member, join us on https://www.cigre.org/GB/join/how-to-join


Register to the webinar: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1610442983260903948