Digital ELECTRA enters testing phase!
Even the recent crisis has not held up our new Digital ELECTRA by more than a week or two! We are currently testing the system and we are pleased to advise that the new digital offering will be available for the June edition of ELECTRA.
This first digital edition will be open for all to read and then we will gradually be introducing the need to login for members, or subscribe for non members. Watch this space and other CIGRE communications channels for helpful tips to setup your account. Member accounts will also work on e-cigre the home to our extensive library of publications. Of course if you already have an e-cigre account you will be able to login using that email and password.
The new ELECTRA offers a responsive device friendly platform. This means you can read it on your mobile, tablet or desktop. You can also download a pdf version of any article for offline viewing or printing, or download the whole edition if you choose to.
Another benefit of our new digital presence is the ability to translate ELECTRA into your local language using your native browser functionality, such as that offered by Google Chrome.
While ELECTRA is going to offer these and other exciting features soon, rest assured it will continue with its hallmark, in-depth and substantial technical content. Content that has made it invaluable for the serious power system professional.
Watch our LinkedIn page for updates and or e-cigre for announcements.
Digital ELECTRA is coming soon!