Dielectric Dissipation Factor Measurements on New Stator Bars and Coils
Thu, Dec 5, 2019 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CET
Dielectric dissipation factor measurements of 20129 new form-wound stator bars or coils of rotating machines, varying from a rated voltage of 6 kV up to 27 kV inclusive and a core length from 520 mm up to 8700 mm inclusive, which were produced in the period 1960 up to 2016 inclusive, were collected and analysed in relation to the influence of rated voltage, core length, insulation system, manufacturer and guarding technique. During the webinar, results of this analysis will be presented.
This webinar is presented by Monique KRIEG-WEZELENBURG, of CIGRE Working Group A1.39, " Application of dielectric dissipation factor measurements on new stator coils and bars", with publication of a Technical Brochure (available from www.e-cigre.org), expected for 2019.
The registration to this webinar is free for all, CIGRE members and non-members.
Technical Brochures can be downloaded for free by CIGRE members. If you are not a CIGRE member, join us on https://www.cigre.org/GB/join/how-to-join
Register to the webinar: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7351938771989752843