Demystifying CIGRE through the power of multimedia
For many years those who know CIGRE have recognised and valued its approach to power system knowledge sharing and development.
However, many in our community recognise that CIGRE has often been a little bit of a mystery to new members and the wider industry.
To help address this, and as part of CIGRE’s new brand release at the recent Paris Session 47, a number of short videos have been released to the community and industry generally. These focus on some of the key subject areas and, through the power of multimedia, bring to life the fascinating story of CIGRE in an inspirational way.
The videos are available throughout CIGRE’s new website and YouTube channel. Here is a directory of the places you can view them at
CIGRE’s knowledge programme – how it works
CIGRE’s knowledge programme – the Paris Session and our collaborative programme
Members of the community are also beginning to feature these materials on their own websites, with the United States National Committee leading the way at and elsewhere around its site.
Take the time to share these with your colleagues and help us share the fantastic story of CIGRE, the global community for power system expertise.