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CIGRE Japan prepares members to embrace E2E


A particular focal point in Japan is the JNC annual conference. Since 2016 this event, gathering some 200 of the best minds and key influencers (members and non-members), explores fundamental issues facing the industry. Conference aims include:

  • Exchanging knowledge and information about latest trends and new technologies in power systems spanning utilities, manufacturers, universities and regulators.
  • Sharing information about latest issues and challenges faced by engineers across fields of expertise.
  • Helping industry non-members to become aware of benefits offered to them by CIGRE.


As the global industry grapples with the emergence of an end to end power system, the JNC conference themes provide an insight into the essential nature of the topics covered.

  • 2016 - Issues and challenges in distribution and beyond-the-meter resources.
  • 2017 - Challenges and prospects for asset management.
  • 2018 - Influence and issues for power system due to massive penetration of renewable energy resources.


The next conference is scheduled for September 2019. Its theme is ‘dealing with digital transformation in power systems’, continuing JNC’s efforts to ensure its members are well placed to successfully address the key issues and challenges facing the end to end power system.