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CIGRE Science & Engineering (CSE)





Read CSE for free on: cse.cigre.org


Its main purpose is to disseminate high quality, refereed technical information, of a practical and academic nature, to all stakeholders with no limitations.


CIGRE Science and Engineering now Scopus registered. Read more>>


CIGRE is the world's foremost source of power system expertise since 1921
CIGRE is a collaborative global community committed to the world's leading knowledge development program for the creation and sharing of power system expertise.


CIGRE’s Science and Engineering (CSE) is one of several publications provided by CIGRE members and CSE is available to non-members as well. It provides authors a publication venue for quality technical papers. CSE fits within a remarkable fabric of publications by CIGRE.   These are summarised below:


For more informatin visit the website www.cse.cigre.org