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Capabilities and requirements definition for Power Electronics based technology for secure and efficient system operation and control

Capabilities and requirements definition for Power Electronics based technology for secure and efficient system operation and controlThu, Oct 29, 2020 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CET


In order to prepare for the future, the Joint Working Group bridges the gap between technology experts and system operation experts. The JWG gives insights in the technical capabilities of and requirements for the integration of power electronics based devices in the power system, with the focus on the usage of these technologies for system operation.


Best practices are identified and the main deliverable is a table, linking how the services provided by different power electronics based technologies can mitigate operational challenges arising due to high penetration of power electronics. An overview of successful practical examples will be given as well.


This webinar is presented by Jan van PUTTEN, convener of CIGRE Joint Working Group C2/B4.38, "Capabilities and requirements definition for Power Electronics based technology for secure and efficient system operation and control", that published Technical Brochure XXX (available from www.e-cigre.org), in 2020.


The registration to this webinar is free for all, CIGRE members and non-members.


Technical Brochures can be downloaded for free by CIGRE members. If you are not a CIGRE member, join us on https://www.cigre.org/GB/join/how-to-join.


To register: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8664431307077574411